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Even with the threats from the Black Hood warning all of Riverdale to remain sinless, Sweet Pea and Braxton found it almost impossible to keep their hands off of each other. Whether they were at school, Pop's, the Wyrm or at one of their houses, it's like they were magnetically attached to once another.

While at school, Sweet Pea had Braxton pressed up against her locker as he passionately kissed her lips. She had her arms under his jacket wrapped around his waist pulling him closer into her. "Can we take like, three seconds of fresh air?" Toni laughed as she walked up to them. Braxton pulled away and looked at Toni and smiled. "What's up?" She asked still holding on to Sweet Pea.

"There's word going around that Jug and Betty have an idea as to who the Black Hood is. I haven't seen Jughead around the Wyrm to ask so I wasn't sure if Betty has kept you in the loop?"

"I haven't really spoke to them about it if that's what you're asking. I've been busy-"

"Riding Sweet Pea like a bull? Yeah I see that." She joked as started to walk away. "I'll catch you love birds later."

Sweet Pea went back in for another kiss and Braxton pushed him back. "I should go find Jughead or Betty." She told him as she let out a sigh. "Can't the Black Hood wait?" Sweet Pea questioned.

"Down Sweet Pea, you act like last night and this morning weren't enough for you."

"I will never get enough of you, Braxton Jones."  He smiled. "And I you." She replied before making her way down the hall.

Braxton headed straight for the Blue and Gold news paper room assuming that's where Jughead or Betty would be. Lucky enough for her, they were both there together. "Braxton?" Jughead asked as she walked in. "What can we do for you?" "Rumor has it you have a lead on the Black Hood?" Braxton replied.

"It's an ongoing investigation, but we're pretty sure we are on the right track."

"In fact, we were going to ask Archie and V for help and could actually probably use the help of you and Sweet Pea as well." Betty told her.

"I'll see if SP would go for it-"

"No way, absolutely not." Jughead said cutting Braxton off. "If my dad or Rich get wind I'm involving Braxton on trying to unmask the Black Hood, they would have my ass."

"Jug, I want to help."

"I don't care Braxton. You and I both know our dads won't go for that."

They stared each other down for what felt like minutes. Braxton clenched her jaw together. "Fine." She huffed as as headed towards the door and ran into Archie and Veronica. "Hey, Brax." Veronica said with a large smile which Braxton completely ignored and pushed passed them for the hall. "Okay what's her problem?"

"I told her she couldn't help with the Black Hood investigation. We actually have a new lead."

"Yeah?" Archie asked, "what's that?"

"Have you ever heard of the Riverdale Reaper?"

"I can't say that I have. What's up?"

"There was a family who lived out near Fox Forest." Jughead told Archie and Veronica. "Decades ago the Riverdale Reaper broke into their house and shot them all killing them. The victims were Jim and Mary Ellen Conway and their kids. Tommy was ten and Sue was nine."

"The Reaper was never caught or identified. Some say he never left Riverdale, so he could be the Black Hood." Betty added.

"So you're telling us that you think the Black Hood is the Riverdale Reaper? He would have to be old by now." Veronica told him.

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