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The Five Seasons was one of the best lodging facilities in Riverdale. With nightly rates not many people would agree to paying. But of course the Saint Claires had no issue putting out that kind of money.

When Braxton opened her front door she saw Kevin wearing a button up shirt, dress slacks and a tie. He looked her ripped jeans and black shirt up and down and shook his head. "Oh no girl. We can't wear that." He sighed. "What's wrong with my outfit?" Braxton demanded as she rolled her eyes.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! It's just, this is a formal party and you're very..... casual."

"Well you didn't tell me that I was practically meeting the president?"

"Show me your closet. I'm sure there's something in there that's not black or leather."

Braxton lead Kevin up the stairs and to her room. As they stood in her closet looking at options Rich came into the room. "Brax?" He called out. "In the closet." She hollard back.

"That's not something I thought I'd- oh! Kevin! I uhm- hi."

"Hey Mr. Jones." Kevin said back trying not to to laugh.

"I uhm- I didn't mean, I didn't know. How are you?"

"I'm good, yourself?"

"Good! Yeah, I'm good! So, Brax. I'm going to get going okay?" Rich said quickly as he turned to her. You could tell that he was embarrassed by what he was about to say before he saw Kevin. Braxton let out a laugh and said "Okay dad, have fun tonight."

"You too! And it was good seeing you again Kevin!"

"You too Mr. Jones."

Rich exited Braxton's room and Kevin instantly turned to her and said "You're dad got hot." Braxton rolled her eyes said, "I swear you need to get laid." And continued to look through her clothes. "What about this one?" Kevin asked pulling out a short red dress. "I haven't worn that since my sophomore homecoming. I'm not even sure why I kept it." She replied looking at it.

"Probably because you look hot as hell in it. Try it on!"

"You don't think it's too much?"

"Honey, everything about you is too much and I live for it. I'm going to go down stairs, come show me when it's on. Deal?"


Kevin walked out of Braxtons bedroom and she laid the dress on her bead. She stripped out of the clothes that she was already in and slipped the dress on. It fit like a glove. Probably even better than it did before.

She walked down the stairs and to the kitchen where Kevin was sitting at the kitchen island.

"Do I look fine?" She asked as she stood in front of him

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"Do I look fine?" She asked as she stood in front of him. Kevin's eyes bugged out of his head and he said "Girl you look more than fine, you look hella fine! Why do you not wear that? You look like Scarlet Johansson's hotter sister."

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