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The ache inside of her bones was tremendous, she didn't know how to deal with the pain. She wanted to run to Sweet Pea and tell him that she changed her mind, she wanted to be his forever, but she knew she couldn't.

All of Saturday she stayed laid up in her bed, refusing to leave the protection of her sheets as she ignored all of the texts and phone calls that she received from her friends. Rich tried time and time again to sneak into her room so he could give her a pep talk about how she didn't need him; but was caught each time by Isabelle who told him to stay away. Braxton longed for Danny, who unfortunately was gone on Serpent business.

On Sunday afternoon as the sun creeped its way through the window that Sweet Pea had snuck in and out of dozens of times, if not hundreds. She hid, only getting up for the bathroom and a shower the night prior. She hadn't ate since before she left for the Wrym Friday night. No matter how much her stomach growled, she couldn't eat.

There was a faint knock at the door and she heard it open. When she rolled to see who is was, she saw Archie in the doorway. He walked in with a slight smile as he closed the door behind him then sat on the edge of her bed. "Hey." He said to her softly. "Hey." She replied with puffy eyes and the best smile she could muster up.

She wasn't mad at Archie. After all, he did keep his promise not to share their secret. They shared a kiss. A kiss that would be their first and their last. A kiss they shared while they were both single. She didn't blame her and Sweet Pea's break up him, not one bit.

"I heard about Friday night." He told her with a sad look on his face. "If there's anything I can do-"

"It's not your fault Arch. I could have told him about what happened at Christmas but I didn't. That was my choice. That's why he's angry."

"Did he break up with you?"

"No, I broke up with him." The words pained her as they left her lips. "I knew our relationship wouldn't be the same."

"Everyone is talking about it."

"School should be fun tomorrow."

"I can have Reggie look after you, Moose too."

"Thanks, but I don't think I need a team of teenage bodyguards. I'll just, avoid him as much as I can."

"Honestly he probably won't even be there." Archie laughed. "Pretty sure you're the only reason he hasn't dropped out yet. The kid doesn't like school."

"What Serpent does?" They both laughed at her joke. "So, how are things with you and V?"

"Rocky. After her blow up at the Wrym, she took your advice and showed up at my door step to talk about it."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was angry."

"No, it's cool I get it, you were right. She should have came to me, not you and Betty. She's upset with me, she asked for time and space and I'm going to give it to her. I just won't be kissing anyone else." He laughed.

She smiled a weak smile. While Archie was doing everything Veronica wanted so he could get her back, Sweet Pea hadn't reached out to her once. Not even to say sorry.

"You'll get through this, and I'll be there right by your side." He told her as he grabbed her hand. She wanted to pull away in fear maybe Sweet Pea would walk in and see them, but she couldn't. She found comfort in Archie, a comfort she needed in that moment.

Back at Sunnyside, Toni sat next to Fangs on Sweet Pea's couch while he grabbed a beer from his refrigerator. "Just call her!" She shouted at him referring to Braxton. "No, she broke up with me. It's over." He protested.

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