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With the events from Christmas, Sweet Pea and Braxton rekindled some of their past relationship. Not only did they once again became the person the other would always turned to, but they found themselves tangled up with each other more than they ever did before. It was like their relationship was now ran on sex. With her dad and brother basically always gone, Braxton enjoyed his company.

"Where are you going?" Braxton demanded as she walked down the stairs to see Rich and Danny walking around the kitchen grabbing food for the road. "Ugh, please don't tell me it's another Penny run." She groaned. We'll be back by dinner." Rich assured her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Dad, you've been on a run for her every day you don't have work since Christmas, how many drugs can that woman have to run? I mean, I'm lucky Jug is here so I don't start talking to the walls."

"Why don't you just go get cozy with Sweet Pea? I'm sure he has something to talk about." Danny joked as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Sweet Pea?" Rich asked sounding surprised. He hadn't seen him around much since Christmas and it was the first he'd really heard the name since too. "I thought you said that you two weren't back together?"

"We aren't. But that's not my point here, daddy. When will you guys be done kissing her ass so we can actually spend some time together? I mean, what happened to your girlfriend? Doesn't she miss you?" She sighed.

"We broke up."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's no big deal, sweetheart. But I promise, we will be home for dinner, okay? You and Jug spend some time together. He has a lot of time on his hands since he and Betty are still on their break."

She stood as her dad and her brother each kissed her on the forehead then headed out the front door. Braxton let out another deep sigh and rolled her eyes. She headed up the stairs for Jugheads room to see what he was up too for the day.

She knocked on the door and heard him call out "Yeah?" When she opened it Jughead was sliding his shoes onto his feet. "Where ya going?" She asked from the doorway.

"I'm meeting some Serpents at the quarry. Why what's up?"

"Dad and Danny went on a run. I have no plans today. Do you mind if I tag along for the day?"

"Sure, if you want. I'm leaving in a few."

"Cool, let me change my clothes and I'll be ready. I'll drive."

As they made their way out of the garage and through the Northside neighborhoods, the two remained quiet as the radio started to lose connection. "So what are you meeting the Serpents for?" Braxton asked as they crossed the bridge on the boarder. "Penny Peabody. I need to make this right." He replied looking out the window.

"What did you even do to begin with?"

"I made a deal with her to get my dad out of jail. It worked. But ever since she thinks I have this outstanding debt with her and no matter what I did and no matter what the Serpents do, she won't consider it paid."

"So you sold your soul to the devil?"


"Couldn't you have asked him to make you just the slightest bit more attractive?" Braxton busted up laughing while Jughead found her less than humorous and flipped her the bird.

When they arrived at the Quarry they saw everyone gathered around a small fire. It was a chilly day in January, but the air was crisp and the sun was warm.

"Why are we here, Jones?" Fangs asked as the two walked up to the group. He shot Sweet Pea a glance who returned the favor.

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