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Three weeks had passed. Three weeks of Braxton and her relationship with Casey. Three weeks of Kevin and Moose finally admitting they care about one another. Three weeks since anyone had heard from Archie. Three weeks of school gone and it was finally summer vacation.

The students of Riverdale ran out of the school without looking back. They were ready for long days and late nights. Swimming down at the quarry with all of their friends. Shakes at Pop's and movies at the Twilight drive in.

As Braxton made her way to her Jeep, Casey ran up behind her and wrapped his arm around her neck. "Free at least." He said as he kissed her cheek. "Finally, right?" She laughed.

"I'm just excited not to have to come back to this place five days a week."

"You act like that was a common reoccurring thing for you."

"Hey, I sorta tried to make it."

They got to Braxton's Jeep and she turned around to face him. He pressed her up against it and kissed her passionately. "What was the for?" She asked with a smile. "To show you how much I care about you." He replied.

The past three weeks had been great for Braxton. She was getting along well with her mom, Danny and Rich actually gave Casey a chance and seemed to like him. She killed her finals at school ending up with all As, and her relationship with Casey was flourishing. She was happy. And it wasn't the fake happy she was worried it would be.

"I gotta go." She told him. "I promised FP I would help him set the Wym up for some end of school party for the Serpents tonight. I guess that's a thing now?" She laughed.

"Something I assume I'm not invited too."


"It's cool, I'll catch you later?"

"Of course."

She kissed him one last time before she got into her Jeep and drove off. He looked to his right, and saw that Sweet Pea was still watching him. He had been since Casey wrapped his arm around Braxton. He nodded his head and smiled at Sweet Pea, who only looked back at him with an annoyed face. He got his girl. Something Casey found humorous.

"This party is going to be amazing!" FP said as he restocked the liquor shelves behind the bar. "Yeah, nothing says end of junior year party quit like alcohol." Braxton laughed.

"Well, it does if you're a Serpent, now doesn't it?"

Braxton laughed at her uncle as she sat at the bar and opened a peanut and ate it. FP looked at his niece and said, "Brax there's something I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

"I don't think it would be a wise idea if you brought Casey."

"I'm one step ahead of you. I understand."

"I'm not saying he's not a great guy, it's just with him once being a Ghoulie and all."

"I completely get it, FP. No hard feelings."

"So, how have things been going for the two of you?"

"Great, actually. Dad and Danny seem to like him. I'm pretty sure mom wants him for herself."

"What about you? How does he treat you."

She sat for a moment and thought about it. The honest truth was Casey treated her unlike any guy had before. He was kind and he was gentle. He would surprise her with random things whether it be a new necklace or a simple flower. He always had her on her toes. "He treats me fantastically." She told FP with a smile. He smiled back at her and said, "Good." Even though he still couldn't believe his niece was dating someone who was once a Ghoulie.

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