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It had been a week that the Ghoulies and Serpents joined forces, though most of the time they weren't seen together, Gladys still insisted that the two coincided.

Betty believed that her mom had clearly lost her mind when she told her daughter that she was putting the house up for sale, she at that point was fully invested in The Farm.

FP was still doing his due diligence as the towns sherif, probably letting the Ghoulies and Serpents off easier than he should to keep the peace at home.

And everyone else was finally starting to enjoy their summer. As Braxton sat at Pop's with Sweet Pea and Fangs, the bell on the door rang. When Braxton looked up her body instantly froze when her eyes met those of Casey. She slowly let out a deep breath hoping that Sweet Pea wouldn't notice him. By the way she saw him griping his fist out of the corner of her eye, she knew it was too late. "What the hell is he doing here?" Sweet Pea snapped as he glared at him. Fangs turned around to see who he was talking about and saw Casey as he sat down alone in a booth. "Hard telling." He replied.

"I'm going to go talk to him."

"No, you're not." Braxton told her boyfriend as she pulled him back down. "The last thing you need to do is make a scene. Just ignore him."

"He has some balls showing his face around here."

"He's from here, babe."

"Doesn't matter. He can get lost in Greendale for all I care."

"Did you want to leave?"

"Hell no, we were here first."

The three did their best at ignoring him. Braxton couldn't help but to notice out of the corner of her eye that she saw him look their way frequently then turn back to his phone. She assumed he was meeting someone, but he ate alone and left not long after.

All at once their phones started to go off, and when they read the text it was Jughead advising them of an emergency meeting at the school. Braxton couldn't help but roll her eyes. Although she didn't want the Ghoulies at the Wrym, she wished their meeting spot were anything other than the school. Who wanted to spend their summer break there?

As she opened the door to her Jeep as Fangs and Sweet Pea started their bikes, she saw a note that was taped to her steering wheel. Her stomach instantly bottomed out, she knew who it was from without even looking. She climbed in shutting the door behind her and ripped it off. She tossed it into her glove box, she glanced behind her to make sure he wasn't in the back seat. She had a weird erie feeling about it.

"Alright, Serpents," Jughead said once everyone was accounted for at the high school. "Let's get right to it. Any of you guys know about the break-in to the Chemistry lab?" No one said a thing. They all looked around at each other and saw that Kurtz had a deviant smile on his face. "Kurtz? Why are you smiling?" Braxton asked.

"Just thinking how looting the alchemist lair was one of our more rewarding quests." He told her and the other Ghoulies laughed. "Are you serious?" Jughead snapped at him. "You did that as part of a G&G game? You realize Weatherbee's gunning for us now, right? He let us use the school for meetings in the middle of the summer. There's no way he's going to after the stunt you pulled, you moron."

"You promised us immunity."

"Not when you go and flagrantly break the law! You're gonna return the equipment."

"The hell I am."

Fangs looked back at him and said, "Fucking Fizzle Rock junkie."

"You wanna go right now?" Kurtz said to him and they both stood to their feet and chested up to each other.

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