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When Braxton finally came to, she had no idea where she was. When she looked around she was in a box of a room which only had the single bed she was laying on in it. She stood up and walked over to the large metal door that closed her in. When she pulled on the handle, it was no use, it was locked. She shook it back and forth rattling it on it's hinges. "Hello!" She yelled looking through the narrow window of the door and it echoed all around her. "Casey!" But there was no response. She walked over to the window and pulled at the bars to see if they would budge, but they didn't.

"Casey!" She shouted again and then heard the sound of a door open and closed as heals tapped the floor. "Oh my God!" She heard someone yell. "If I knew you were a screamer I would have put you somewhere more secluded."

Braxton stood back at the window against the wall as she waiting for whoever it was to appear at the door. When they did she wasn't the least bit surprised. "Should have know you'd have something to do with this." Braxton snapped as she walked towards the door and held the eyes of Britt Boyer. "Where the hell is Casey?"

"Don't you worry about Casey, he's just fine."

"Why am I here?"

"You're valuable to us."

"Us? Who is us?"

"The Ghoulies, of course. Or the Gargoyles, whatever you want to call them."

"You ran and joined the Ghoulies? I can't say that I'm surprised. What is this about? Your vendetta against me over Sweet Pea?"

"Ugh, Sweet Pea." Britt practically moaned as she licked her lips. "How is that beautiful boy?"

"What the hell do you want, Britt."

"What do I want? Silly girl, don't you know what you are?"


"You're the Red Palatine's Queen."

"I didn't play that stupid game. I'm nothing." Braxton snapped.

"Doesn't matter. It's what fate chose for you. And there's a bounty out for Archie. Good news is you're going to lead him right to us."

"Archie isn't that stupid."

"I don't think you understand just how far he's willing to go to make sure you're okay, safe, and in his arms."

"He's a friend."

"Let's not forget the time he kissed you on Christmas Eve, shall we?"

"How do you know about that? Casey?"

"That doesn't matter. But there's something I want to show you. You'll just have to put these on first."

The compartment on the door slid open and handcuffs fell to the floor by Braxtons feet. She looked down on them then back to Britt and said, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I can assure you you'll want to see this. Now tick tock before I change my mind."

After a few second stare down, Braxton bent over and picked them up. She placed them round her wrists, but not too tight and Britt opened the door. "Let's go." She told her as she reached forward, squeezing the handcuffs so they were unbelievably tight around her wrists.

They traveled down a few halls and finally came to a stop. "I hope you're ready." Britt smirked before she pushed the door open. Braxton looking inside and saw Casey standing in a room looking to a separate area that was closed off. When she looked closer, she saw Danny on the other side of the glass all beat up. He looked up and his eyes grew large when he saw his sister.

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