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Waking up in the arms of Sweet Pea was one of many things that Braxton missed most and couldn't get enough of it the last two days. His face looked so handsome as the cool morning sun shined through his window. He opened his deep brown eyes and saw Braxton laying there looking up at him. "Good morning." He told her with a smile. "Morning." She replied then kissed his lips. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too."

It was Christmas. Braxtons favorite holiday. She quickly got out of bed and slide her jeans on. "Come on, lets go!" She told Sweet Pea as she rounded the bed then pulled at the blanket that was covering him. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her back into bed and said, "Can't we just lay in bed all day?"

"As much as I would love that, I need to get home before my dad wakes up."

He let out a loud sigh and said, "Fine, but only because I don't want to deal with a pissed off Rich on Christmas."

As soon as they walk into Braxtons house she immediately headed for the kitchen. She started pulling out all the ingredients she needed to make breakfast. "What are you making?" Sweet Pea asked her as he sat at the island. "Christmas pancakes. My mom made them every year. It's basically blueberry pancakes with blackberry syrup, raspberries, and powdered sugar."

"Sounds good."

"They're my favorite."

"Do you need any help?"


As the two worked together to make the batter and syrup and start the pancakes; Rich, Jughead, and Danny all started to make their way down the stairs. "Are those Christmas pancakes?" Danny asked as he walked up to them. "Sure is." Braxton told him with a smile.

"Smells delicious, princess." Rich told her as he kissed her on the head.

Although it wasn't her typical Christmas, Braxton was happy to have her brother back along with Danny for the first time in a few years. She was grateful to be able to spend it with the guy who became a huge part of her life. And of course couldn't imagine the holiday without her father. They all sat around the dinning room table eating their breakfast. Christmas pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Rich himself was happy to finally have kids together under one roof, he couldn't help but to smile.

"Are you ready for presents?" Rich asked as he set his napkin down then looked at his kids, Jughead, and Sweet Pea. "Dad, you didn't have-" Braxton started to say but he cut her off. "Of course I do!" He said as he stood from the table and headed towards the living room.

When Sweet Pea walked into the living room with the others and saw all the presents under the tree, it reminded him of the times his dad was around to celebrate Christmas. That tradition was tarnished by his drunken stepfather.

He sat on the couch next to Braxton as Rich passed out the gifts. "I did a lot of last minute shopping yesterday. I didn't really expect to have a full house. Luckily most stores offered gift wrap." He laughed trying to brush off his embarrassment.

There was one present left under the tree. Rich picked it up and extended it out to Sweet Pea. "That's for you." He said and Sweet Pea was taken by surprise. "Sir?" He replied.

"I kind of figured you'd be joining us this morning, so I thought it was only fair you had a gift of your own to open."

Braxton smiled at Sweet Pea and lightly pinched his elbow letting him know that was huge of her dad. When he opened the gift box from Rich, he saw a brand new switchblade. The handle had a serpent carved into it. "No way!" He said as he took it out of the box. "I absolutely love it. Thank you so much Mr. Jones!" "I'm glad you like it." He replied.

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