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It had been eleven days since Braxton had been home and started staying with Sweet Pea. She avoided Rich's calls and ultimately blocked Isabelle's number.

Danny was in Braxton's room putting extra clothes into a duffle bag for her. As Isabelle passed by she stopped, thinking she spotted Braxton herself. "Oh, it's just you." She said when she walked in realizing it was Danny. "Thanks for that." He sarcastically laughed as he closed her drawer. "Where are you going with that?" She question.

"On vacation."

"Is she at her boyfriends again?"


Isabelle rolled her eyes and let out a light sigh. She didn't like the fact she was choosing a boy over her own mother. "Will you just get her to come home, please?" She asked.

"No, I won't. She's finally happy, mom. She's finally living life like a teenage girl should. She's not picking her mother off the floor because she's too drunk or high to walk. She doesn't have to make sure she's home so she can take care of the house or make dinner for herself and dad because he's at work busting his ass all day. She has friends. She has a boyfriend. She's acting like a kid." Danny snapped.

"All I want to do is prove to her that I've changed."

"You can try all you want, but she won't care. She was done with you when you were so high on Christmas that you couldn't even remember you had a daughter."

"I wasn't high."

"Sure." He laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Why are you even here? Just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of this time."

The words Danny spoke to his mom cut her deep. He walked passed her to the hall, and down the stairs so he could deliver the duffle bag to his sister.

Isabelle was so adamant about making amends with Braxton, that without hesitation she quickly got into her car and followed Danny so she could see where Sweet Pea lived.

When Danny stopped his bike at Sweet Pea's trailer she stopped a few lots down so she wasn't as noticeable. He walked up to the door and Braxton answered it within seconds. She wrapped Danny in a hug and he was gone as fast as he came.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Rich snapped as he walked up to Isabelle's car startlingly her. "Me?" She asked back as she held her chest. "What about you?"

"I was visiting FP. Please tell me you're not stalking our daughter."

"Of course not. I just came to see where she's been staying since you don't seem to care."

"Of course I care. I just know the boy well enough to know he's taking care of her."

"He shouldn't be taking care of her, Howard. We should be taking care of her."

"She'll come home when she's ready."

"No, she's coming home now." Isabelle snapped and threw her car in drive up to Sweet Pea's trailer.

"Is!" Rich shouted as he took off after her on foot.

She quickly got out of her car and bursted threw the door. "Where is my daughter?" Isabelle snapped when she saw Sweet Pea walking out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry?" He questioned confused as to how she found out where he lived. Braxton appeared from the back hallway and stood next to his side. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked

"I came to take you home." She told her and
walked her way to grab her but Sweet Pea stepped in front of Braxton. "Please move yourself away from my daughter."

"Isabelle, that's enough." Rich's voice boomed from the front door. "Just leave her be."

"I don't think so. She's seventeen years old, Howard. She doesn't need to be shacking it up with her boyfriend."

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