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The Serpent run ran well into the night so when Rich got home Braxton was already asleep. When she walked down the stairs the next morning he was standing in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee.  "Ah, just the girl I was looking for." He said to her as he turned around. "What's up?" She asked.

"What's up? I mean, I guess nothing other than the fact you lied to me about Sweet Pea."

"I didn't lie?"

"You told me that he wasn't a Serpent? So you could imagine my surprise yesterday morning when I found out that this Sweet Pea is, infact, a leather wearing Serpent." Rich told her as he started to get heated.

"Why does it matter?"

"I told you not to get involved with them, Braxton!"  He shouted.

"I go to Southside? A school that you agreed that I can go to, that is crawling with Serpents. What did you expect? That I just not have any friends?" Braxton protested.

"I agreed to it because I felt bad for moving you again. And you have tons of friends. You have Betty, you have Archie, you have Kev-."

"They don't want to be my friend! They completly ghosted me!" Braxton shouted back. "Growing up that school judged me for having a father who was a Serpent. Why would I want to go back there? I go to Southside and they accept me. God dad, why can't you?"

"You think I don't accept you?"

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"You think I don't accept you?"

"I want to be a Serpent. So badly do I want to be a Serpent but you won't let me! You think you're protecting me, but from what?"

"The choices I make are none of your concern."

"Two can play at that game." She snapped then grabbed her keys and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" Rich called to her, but she ignored him and slammed it behind her.

She pulled up to the Jones trailer and knocked on the door. A sleepy FP Jones answered and looked down at her as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. "Hey, Brax what's wrong?" He asked when he noticed she had been crying. "I don't get why dad just won't let me be a Serpent." She told him as he pulled her in for a hug.

"I don't know sweetheart. He just doesn't support it."

FP invited Braxton inside and the two sat at the kitchen table so they could talk. She looked around at the trailer. It was messy with clothes and beer cans scattered all over. It smelled of old socks and stale pizza. Nothing like her house where even the couch pillows had to be in order at all times.

"But he's a Serpent himself? He's a fucking hypocrite." Braxton started off as her eyes returned back to FP.

"He says that he's watching out for you."

"I don't know why? Why do I need to be watched out for? I'm almost seventeen, I can hold my own."

"Being seventeen doesn't make you invincible, sweetheart. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if you and Jug were switched at birth."

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