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A few days had gone by and no one had heard from or seen Penny Peabody. It was almost as if her name was already something of the past. As Jughead and Braxton were on their way to the Wyrm after school, the ride was quiet, they didn't speak the whole time. Once they got to the Wrym and Braxton threw her Jeep in park and Jughead turned to Braxton and said, "So, Betty and I worked things out." "Really? That's great." Braxton told him. "Although it was expected, I'm super excited for you both."

"Hopefully we won't break up again this time around." He laughed.

"Stop pushing her away and maybe you won't."

"Hey, she pushed me away first."

"That doesn't mean anything, Jug." She told him as she climbed out of the Jeep and closed the door.

"True. But I have a good feeling about things this time."

When the two opened the door to the Wyrm their dads and all of the Serpents were gathered around a table. "What's going on?" Jughead asked FP as they walked up to them. "Jughead and Braxton Jones." Penny said as she turned around to look at them. "Did you guys really think you've seen the last of me?"

"What's the Snake Charmer doing here?" Jughead demanded. "Dad? Rich?" "No, I brought her in, to help us." Tall Boy told him.

"We don't need Penny's kind of help."

"You don't get a say anymore. Since you broke Serpent law and hurt one of our own." Tall Boy snapped. "Penny was actually about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny. Show them all."

She reached for her jacket sleeve and pulled it up revealing a bandaged arm. When she pulled the bandage back you could see where Jughead performed his handy work. "That used to be my Serpent tattoo, until your little asshole of a son sliced a chunk out of my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale."

FP flicked his eyes towards Jughead and cleched his jaw. He rubbed his eyes in frustration as Penny continued. "But I'm still willing to help the Serpents. Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. Luckily, I can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years."

"What's your price, Penny?" Rich asked.

"Blood for blood. An eye for an eye. I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out."

Jughead looked back a Penny who was staring him down. Braxton could see the anger welling up within Jughead. Penny wanted him to flip out. She wanted him to react, but he just wouldn't. "Oh, yeah, one last thing. I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself. With a dirty knife."

"You deserve a fair trial but you're not cutting my son. Penny and Tall Boy, my office now.  They rest of you stay here, go home, I don't really care." FP told them as he stood to his feet and walked towards his office eyeing Jughead down as Rich followed pursuit.

Braxton made her way over towards Toni and Fangs while Jughead started to pace the floor. "Jug, relax." Braxton told him as she sat down. "I can't relax right now? My fate within the Serpents is in the hands of Penny Peabody." Jughead snapped.

"No it's not. You don't think your dad has your back? He won't let that happen." Sweet Pea told him as he stood up and put his hand on his shoulder. "Getting rid of that snake was the best thing for us. I agree with you now and I have your back."

"Thanks, Sweet Pea."

"So do I." Toni told him.

"Same. I got you, Jones." Fangs added.

"For what it counts, you have me too." Braxton chimmed in.

It didn't take long for FP to negotiate a deal with Penny and Tall Boy. By the time they walked out of the office and glared Jughead down until they reached the door, just about everyone in the Wrym had left.

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