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Riverdale finally went back to feeling safe. After the Black Hood was unmasked and Mr. Svenson was dead, no one had any means to worry. Kids could walk freely to the park or school and women didn't feel the need to have their husbands with them at all times. Jughead and Betty rekindled their relationship along with Archie and Veronica. And Sweet Pea and Braxton were thriving.

At the Jones house, Danny and Braxton were watching Netflix when there was a loud knock at the door. They looked at each other and Braxton stood up and headed to see who it was. When she opened it, she saw Archie standing there panting. "Are you okay?" She asked as she looked him up and down. It was clear he has just ran from his house to hers. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. "Alone?"

"Yeah, sure." And she let him in.

They headed up the stairs for her room, and sat on her bed. "What's wrong?" She asked him. "I had an FBI agent come see me today." He told her.

"What? Why?"

"They believe Hiram Lodge is conducting criminal activity in Riverdale, with ties to organized crimes."

"Why would that have anything to do with you?"

"Because of my relationship with Ronnie and my dad's connections to Lodge Industries. He thinks I can help them take him down once and for all."

"So they think his businesses are corrupt?" Braxton questioned.

"A few months ago the St. Clairs came to visit."

"I remember."

"I guess they were going to invest in one of Hiram's projects, but for whatever reason, the deal fell through. The St. Clairs went back to New York and Nick, was soon after admitted to Columbia Presbyterian with life threatening injuries."

"They think Mr. Lodge is responsible for that?"

"They do. Which makes sense because he's the one ordered that Fangs be shot." Archie's voice was thick with frustration.

"And you know that for sure?"

"According to Reggie. But if it is, this is our chance, Brax. This is our chance to take Hiram down."

"Do you think you could do that? I mean with Veronica and all. You guys just got to a good place."

"I have no idea." he sighed.

At school things were starting to settle amongst the Serpents and the Bulldogs. Sweet Pea and Reggie still saw an enemy in each other, which no one saw it coming to an end anytime soon. There was no longer a hit out for Fang's and Midge still lived on in memory.

Casey still avoided Braxton at all cost and hardly showed up to school anymore, not that many people noticed.

In P.E. Braxton sat with Betty on the bleachers while they watched the guys scrimmaged a game of basketball. It was only fitting that they played Serpents vs Bulldogs which meant it was a rowdy game.

"So how have things been going with you and Jug?" Braxton asked as she kept her eyes on Sweet Pea. "Good. Now that the Black Hood is dead I'm not trying to hide myself from him. I'm still pretty ashamed of what happened outside of Thistlehouse though." She replied.

"Secret is safe with me. I know what it's like for Andrew's to spring an unexpected kiss on you."

"True." Betty laughed. "What about you and Sweet Pea?"

"Better than ever. He still has his reservations on my friendship with Archie, but there's been plenty of reassuring that there's nothing between us."

"You're good for him."

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