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It was early the next morning when Sweet Pea woke up. When he did Braxton was still right next to his side. Although it was only five hours, it was the best sleep he had gotten in awhile. He got up out of the bed and walked into her bathroom where he splashed water on his face. The circles under his eyes were a deep shade of purple. The scabs on his knuckles from all the flights never seemed to heal. The tinge of red from Fangs that still stained his skin no matter how many times he scrubbed it. It was all still there.

He walked back into Braxton's bedroom and sat on the edge of her bed. The movement of the matress woke Braxton up and she saw his bareback as he faced the window. She sat up scooting towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Morning." He said as he grabbed her arm. "Morning." She replied and kissed his shoulder. "Did you not sleep well?"

"No, I did. Just not for long."

"Are you doing okay?"

"With you here? Yeah I'm fine. I'm just not looking forward to going home."

"You don't have to. Stay here as long as needed."

Sweet Pea smiled as he turned around towards her. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her onto his lap. He hugged her tight as she wrapped her legs around him. "I never stopped either." He whispered into her ear. She pulled away giving him a confused look and replied, "You never stopped what?"

"Loving you. I've waited months for this moment."

Braxton smiled down at Sweet Pea and kissed his lips. "I love you."

After scoping out the house, Braxton told Sweet Pea that it was safe for him to leave her room. As they walked down the stairs Rich walked in. "What the hell are you doing here?" Rich asked Sweet Pea with an exhausted look on his face. "I texted him and asked him to come over. I couldn't sleep." Braxton told him.


"I didn't want to be alone."

"Is Jughead not here?"

"No. He was with FP."

"Why didn't you just go over to FP's?"

"Why is it such a big deal?" Braxton snapped back at him.

"Excuse me? My daughter is sneaking a boy from her room, a boy who is her ex boyfriend might I add, at six thirty in the damn morning."

"Sir, nothing happened." Sweet Pea told him.

"Did I ask for your input?"

"Dad stop. I was upset over Fangs so I asked him to come over." Braxton said moving infront of Sweet Pea.

"Fang's isn't dead!"

"What?" Sweet Pea and Braxton exclaimed as they looked at each other.

"He's not dead. FP said that to keep Northsiders off his back. He's at the hospital recovering. He's gonna make it."

Braxton and Sweet Pea quickly flew down the remaining stairs and head for the front door. "Where are you going?" Rich asked grabbing Braxton's arm. "To see my friend." She replied yanking it from him. "You can deal with me later." And she was out the door running to her Jeep.

The two made their way into the hospital to the nurses station. "Fangs Fogarty?" Sweet Pea asked out of breath from running. "I'm sorry, but Mr. Fogarty-." The nurse started to say but was cut off. "Brax, SP- down here." FP called from down the hall.

"Is he awake?" Sweet Pea asked walking up to him. "How is he?" Braxton added.

"He is awake and he's doing fine. A little high on morphine but he'll be okay. Head on in, some Serpents are already in there."

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