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"What the hell is he doing here?" Kurtz snapped as he looked FP up and down. Jughead called yet another mandatory emergency meeting at the school. "I made the invitation." Jughead told him.


"Kurtz boasted that the Serpents need him more than he needs us. I disagree. But one thing is true. The Serpents are rudderless. We lack identity and focus. We're better and stronger when we're task-focused. That's why with the help of my father, Serpent Emeritus, we've come up with a plan... to deputize the Serpents. To become partners with the Riverdale Sheriff's department." The Serpents looked around at each other and nodded their heads as they smiled.

"You'll work for me." FP told them. "Help me with investigations, be my eyes and ears in the community. In return, you'll get paid, and receive school credit to help you apply to colleges."

"This is about bringing order, ensuring our survival. But this is gonna be a brand-new chapter for the Serpents, and we can't be divided about it."

"So let's put it to a vote. If it's not unanimous...there's the damn door." FP snapped as he glared at Kurtz.

"All in favor?"

Each and every serpent raised their hands. Sweet Pea looked around and noticed the Ghoulies all still had their head down. He cleared his throat warning them they better comply. And they almost all did. All but Kurtz. In his usual fashion, he exited the room. 

"Good riddance." FP chuckled to himself.

"Sweet." Sweet Pea smiles. "So, do we get to carry guns?"

Braxton looked at her boyfriend with wide eyes and said "Absolutely not." As FP said, "Not a chance."

Jughead looked at Braxton and said, "We need to talk." She had no clue what is was that he could possible want to talk about, but by the look on his face she could tell it was serious.

"Your mom is head of the Fizzle Rocks cartel?" She gasped at the news Jughead just shared behind the closed door of the Blue and Gold. "You've got to be kidding me. How do you know?" "Hermione sold the business to her. That's why she's back in Riverdale. She doesn't give a rats ass about my dad or me." He snapped. "And now she's buying the Coopers house and expects us to live there like this happy American family."

"What? You're moving into the Coopers? Where the hell have I been?"

"Probably shoved up your boyfriends ass at the Pembrooke." He snorted.

"Not true."

"Either way. I confronted her about everything and she used my dad against me. Told me that all he's ever wanted was his family together and if I out her little business it could ruin that."

"So we just need to make your mom want to leave on her own?"

"We'd have to get JB to want to stay with dad. That's going to be next to impossible."

"I can talk to her? Make her think it's a good idea. She's fond of SP. May he can talk to her?"

"Lure the young mind with charm and looks. I like where you're going with this, Jones."

"Thank you, Jones."

"Dads birthday party is Saturday night at the Wrym. Come, act normal. Because, Monday we're getting that woman out of Riverdale." Jughead told Braxton with an evil smirk on his face.

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