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The suicide of Ben made headlines of the Riverdale Register. While many were shocked at the news, Jughead got a head start on his investigation. His first stop was who he assumed was Princess Etheline, Ethel Muggs.

"So are you going to Archie's football game after school?" Braxton asked Betty as they sat in the Blue and Gold room, Betty was writing a memorial for Ben and Dilton. "I don't think so. Jug and I are meeting with Ethel." She replied. "Are you?"

"I guess so, Kev asked me to tag along."

"They allow football at Juvi?" A strange voice asked from the door. When the two looked to see who it was, they didn't recognize her. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Betty asked.

"Oh, I'm Evelyn Evernever."

"Weird name." Braxton told her with a laugh.

"I just started here. I moved here with my father, Edgar."

"Wait, that name.." Betty said as he went into thought. "I know that name."

"My father is part of the Farm. Your mother and sister Polly are also part of the family there." She replied.

Braxton looked at Betty and gave her a confused look. "The Farm? Is that why your mom has been acting so crazy?"

"Crazy? No. She's just in touched with her spiritual side. The Farm helps with that. We heal you." Evelyn explained.

"Sounds more like a cult?"

"No, we're not a cult." She was clearly becoming frustrated with Braxton.

Betty looked at Evelyn confused. "And how do you know who I am?"

"You look a lot like your mother. That and she told me you wrote for the Blue and Gold."

Casey walked into the room and stood next to Evelyn. He looked at Braxton and said, "Can we talk?"

As much and she didn't feel like talking to him, she was willing to use any excuse to get away from the creepy Evernever Farm groupie. "Sure." She sighed and stood to her feet. She walked out into the hallway and Casey followed behind her.

"Who is that?" He asked as they came to a stop. "Evenly Everandever from the Farm." She replied.

"The Farm? What the hell is the Farm?"

"I don't know? Are you wanting to talk so you can find out who she is? Because if you are go talk to her your-"

"No." He said cutting her off. "That's not why I want to talk. I want to take you on a date."

"No." She told him and started to walk away but Casey grabbed her arm.

"Hear me out."

"You just went on a date with Valerie on Friday."

"And now she's going on a date with Chuck Clayton this weekend. She and I aren't going to work. The date was a bust."

"But you said-"

"I lied. Do you really think I would take ownership of a first date that failed." He smiled. Braxton looked back at him with worried eyes. He could see she was hesitant. "How about we just call it two friends who are going out together on a Friday night?"

He could call it anything he wanted, but Braxton knew exactly what it was. She was interested in Casey. She found him handsome and she found him charming, but she just wasn't over Sweet Pea. She didn't know how she could start something with someone when she still loved her ex.

Behind Casey down the hall, Sweet Pea stopped at his locker. And it only took a few seconds before Josie appeared behind him to remind her just how easily she was replaced by her.

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