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Never in a million years did Archie think that he would have to identify one of his best friends fathers as the man who shot his dad. After all, he knew him his entire life. But after identifying Hal Cooper, he shared his concern with Sheriff Minetta about the acting Black Hood from his home and Town Hall.

"After your last visit, Archie, I made it my personal mission to catch the man who invaded your home." The Sheriff told him as they sat across form each other in his office. "An anonymous tip led to the suspect, and when we went to question him- well, unfortunately he engaged us in a firefight and we were forced to take him down." "Sir?" Archie said for clarification.

"He's dead, but he's the guy no question."

"How can you be so sure?"

"We found guns on the premises that matched the ones used at both the attack on your house and the town hall shooting, as well as this black hood." He replied setting an evidence bag infront of him.

"Who was he?"

"Ex-gang member, Gerald Petite. Also known as Tall Boy."

Archie felt his entire body go numb. He couldn't figure out why a Serpent would try to kill his dad.


At six o'clock on Sunday evening, Sunnyside trailer park was silent. Some families sat for Sunday dinner one minute, and then the next they were under attack. Out of no where, the park was flooded with Ghoulies as they rode in on their motorcycles and in their cars to cause havoc to the community. They were setting trash cans on fire and breaking windows on trailers and cars. They were chasing down anyone who was out and about. Instantly Jughead knew that the deal made with Hiram, was no longer being honored.

The Serpents fought back the best they could. But with limited numbers left, they didn't have much fight in them. Most took off for the Wrym, the only safe place they could think of now that their home was destroyed. While others stayed to fight. Eventually the Ghoulies went on their way, but left most of Sunnyside in shambles.

Jughead walked into the Wrym and stood next to Braxton. When he looked around he saw all that were effective. "What do we do?" She sighed as she looked around herself. "Some of them are now homeless." Jughead saw Sweet Pea and Toni standing at the office door, Toni waved him over and he tapped Braxton on the arm to follow. Little did they know they were about to get even more bad news.

After the door closed behind them, Toni handed Jughead and folded up piece of paper. He took a moment to read it then dropped it to his side and let out a deep, frustrated sigh. "So this is how it ends, huh?" He asked as Braxton took the note from his hand to read it for herself. "Not with a whimper, but with a memo from Weatherbee?"

"Riverdale High is overcrowded?" Braxton gasped as she read it. "Starting next Monday, all former Southside High students will be bussed to Seaside High?"

"Yeah, which is two hours away." Toni sighed.

"There's no doubt this is because he thinks we had something to do with the Black Hood shooting at Town Hall. Not to mention trashing of the school during riot night." Sweet Pea snapped as he sat in a chair across from Jughead.

"Well to be fair, Sweet Pea, you did." He mumbled looking towards him. Braxton could see Sweet Pea clench his fist and jaw. Just as he was about to clap back at Jughead he looked up and saw Braxton shaking her head at him. He took in a deep breath. "So what's our play, Jug? Do we have one?" He asked trying to stay calm.

"I don't know anymore, guys." Jughead told them looking towards the window. "I can't keep fighting for a gang that hardly exists anymore."

"Well, what about us? Or any of the other Serpents out there?" Toni snapped. "If Mrs. Lodge becomes mayor, all of Southside will cease to exists. And what's left of Sunnyside will go down with it."

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