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Southside was set to be closed for the rest of the week. But it wasn't like any of the Serpents cared, they wanted any excuse not to have to go to school.

Braxton was asleep in her bed when Rich walked in and sat next to her. He shook her shoulder and said "Brax, wake up. We need to talk." She rolled over to face him and asked, "About what?"

"I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that it's best you attend Riverdale High."

"What? Dad no? Why?"

"Southside isn't safe-"

"I thought we were past this?" She snapped as she sat up in bed.

"We were. But sweetheart, I just don't think the environment is safe for you anymore. We're going to go over to Riverdale and get you registered."

"I want to stay at Southside."

"I don't think so. You are going to Riverdale and that's that. Do you understand me?"

"Fine. One condition."

"Why's that?"

"I get one last day at Southside."

Rich agreed to Braxtons request. Although it wasn't ideal to him, he was just happy to finally get his daughter out of that toxic school.

"Get dressed please. We'll be leaving shortly."

The environment of Riverdale High School was so much different than that of the Southside. Their trash cans were actually emptied out and not over flowing with garbage. Their lockers weren't dented and could actually close. And the air didn't smell like a chain smokers livingroom and dirty socks .

After registration Braxton was walking down the hall with Rich when Archie exited a classroom. "Braxton?" He said looking at her confused then switched his eyes over to Rich. "Ah, Mr. Jones, how are you?" "Fine, it's been awhile. How are you?" He replied.

"I'm good."

"How's your fathers recovery?"

"Went better than expected."

"Well, I'll uh- let you kids catch up. I'll be out in the truck."

Rich walked away leaving Braxton standing there awkwardly with Archie. She was still mad at him for the way that he treated her and Jughead. But she knew with her transfer she was going to need a friend. 

"Are you going to be coming to Riverdale?" Archie asked slinging his bookbag over his shoulder. "I am. After Mayor McCoy's raid of Southside my dad no longer thinks it's safe there." She replied.

"Can't say I disagree."

"But now I'm going to be going to a school full of Northsiders who don't like me because of fucking Betty Cooper."

"Maybe everyone will relaized you're still the same Braxton you were in middle school."

"Except I'm not?"

"They don't have to know that?"

Braxton let out a heavy sigh, "And lie about who I am? I don't think so Andrews." and tried to walk around him.

"Hey." He said and he grabbed her arm. "I got you, okay?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"If everyone excludes you, which they won't, I'll still be by your side. Trust me."

Braxton gave Archie a warm smile and nodded her head. Although she didn't want to trust him, she knew she had to.

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