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With the events of the Town Hall shooting and Hal Cooper coming forward as the Black Hood, there was no question as to why the candidates for Student Council President were dropping like flies. Not only did Veronica, Betty, and Jughead drop out, but so did Reggie and Josie. Which only left Archie, who stepped up in Veronica's place- and Ethel, who most didn't know was running.

Now that the Election had come and gone and the students of Riverdale High voted. Archie spent the following day anticipating Mr. Weatherbee's announcement. "Would you stop stop stressing?" Veronica told him as she wrapped her arms around him. "You've got this in the bag." "With Serpent vote there's no way you can lose." Jughead reminded him.

As everyone else gathered in the student lounge waiting, Sweet Pea was at his locker with Braxton. "So what do you think are the odds I can skeak into your room tonight?" He asked her as he slid a book onto the shelf in his locker. "Not very high." She laughed. "You'll have to pass by my parents and Danny to get to me."

"Can't blame a guy for taking his shot?"

Over the intercom finally came Mr. Weatherbee with the results. Everyone in the school suddenly stopped what they were doing to listen, you could hear a pin drop. Archie could feel his heart race pick up and his palms start to sweat.

"Attention, Riverdale High students." He said. "The results of your student council election are in. Your new student body president is-Archie Andrews."

Everyone in the lounge cheered and celebrating which echoed throughout the school

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Everyone in the lounge cheered and celebrating which echoed throughout the school. Sweet Pea on the other hand seemed less enthused. Braxton smiled at the announcement and when she looked over towards her boyfriend she saw the scowl on his face. "What?" She asked him. "You didn't want Archie to be president?" "You did?" He replied.

"I mean, why not? He's one of my best friends."

"He got President because he's popular. He's the guy everyone loves. But truly he's just some jock with anger issues. It would be no different than if I would have ran."

"Why didn't you?" Braxton chuckled.

"You can't be serious."

"Of course not. I would have voted for you though, just saying."

Sweet Pea gave her a soft grin before he closed his locker and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they headed down the hall.

"So, I assume you're not going to the inauguration at two?" She asked him.

"I'll go. Anything to get out of algebra."

Braxton looked down the hall and saw everyone celebrating in the lounge. She looked up at Sweet Pea and said, "Come on, let's go congratulate him."

"You go on. I'll catch you later." He replied.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"I can't pretend to be excited about something when I'm not. I'll save you a seat at the inauguration, though, okay?"

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