"What- Olly told you about how she drove a golf cart on the express way and managed to escape the cops onetime with us?" Matt was excited.

"Uh- you did that too?!" Jade was surprised.

"Yeah she did, what did she tell you that made you yell in the middle of a parking lot?" Cindy was getting nosy.

"Ma'am, this is a Walmart parking lot. Someone is always yelling, weren't you practicing your ogre impression just a minute ago?" Matt made another joke about her.

He was really smooth on covering that one up.

"Oh my god..." Mariana walks off trying to gather herself again.

A car strolls up and parks.

"About time this bitch shows up," Matt tries to control his laughter as Chiharu greets us.

"It got lost, I swear," she explained and Cindy's face was already scrunched up from Matt.

"You mean you right? What the fuck is it?" Cindy was pissed.

"Your car, it took me places I've never been," she was smirking... oh boy.

"Like what?" Cindy hissed.

"Your house," Chiharu rubbed it in and Cindy's face turned pink before she attempted to stomp off.

"Blondie- both of you, bring your asses. I have to check in or you can see us at the finish lines," Jade snaps her fingers and heads to her car.

"It stayed?" Cindy was speechless that Jiggy sat in the passenger seat this whole time.. I won't lie, I'm a little shocked too.

"Okay, I'm gonna go eat street food for the first time," Chiharu walked straight towards a taco truck and I shook my head with a smile.

"How are we feeling?" Jade pulled into the line up at the starting line and held her foot on the gas.

"I'm ready to win," Matt was enthusiastic.

"Uhhhh yall safety come first. Not tonight," Jade chuckled when Matt was disappointed.

"I'm ready for take off," Mariana immediately buckled up.

"Speaking of take off, please hang onto something. I mean it, especially you Cindy, since you're sitting in the middle back there," Jade adjusts her review mirror.

A girl with a neon green bandana comes before the cars and everyone started revving their engines rapidly.

"Aren't you gonna rev yours?" Matt was holding his camera.

Jade took a single glance at the mirror and smirked as she made eye contact with Matt, "pfft no," and before I even realized the bandana dropped, We took off.

"Fuck!" Mariana yelped as she jerked to the side and hit her head against the window and Matt started laughing.

"And here I thought, I was gonna fly through the windshield- Olly, you good?.... Olly?" Cindy was trying to check up on me but I was too caught up in the rush.

"THIS... IS.. AMAZING!" I howled and jiggy joined along.

Matt instantly just started howling in the back and Jade was laughing care freely enjoying herself as she was extremely focused on watching the road.

She didn't even need to look down, her grip on the stick shift flowed smoothly as she shifted from one gear to the next and I could feel the weight of the car shift.

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