By Cosmos_Null

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RANK 1 MYSTERY RANK 1 PERSONA 3 PORTABLE human curiosity ... it's what brought us to where we are today . E... More

a new life
The Dark Hour
Tartarus - part 1
Tartarus - part 2
Tartarus - part 3
I'm the leader
Heart of the samuria
Tennis under the sun
Brave hearts
School myths
Monorail madness ! - part 1
Monorail madness ! - part 2
Monorail madness ! - part 3
You're still students !
The clown
In love with a teacher - part 1
In love with a teacher - part 2
In love with a teacher - part 3
F.O.E - part 1
F.O.E - part 2
F.O.E - part 3
Akihiko Sanada-part 1
Akihiko Sanada - part 2
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 1
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 2
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 3
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 4
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 5
Fuuka Yamagishi - Part 6
Broken bonds
End of season 2
A good leader
Unanswered questions
Cyber Cupid
Master of hypnotisim - part 1
Master of Hypnotism - Part 2
Master of Hypnotism- Part 3
Master of Hypnotism - Part 4
Master of Hypnotism - Part 5
The reason I fight
Distant hearts
Smile and everything will be fine
Yukari Takeba
Deep Breaths By The Shore
Laughter and Joy
Aigis - Part 1
Aigis - Part 2
Aigis - Part 3
Aigis - Part 4
Aigis - Part 5
A Persona for everyone !
A fog covered town
Amagi inn
Velvet Bond - Part 1
Velvet Bond - Part 2
Impending danger - Part 1
Impending danger - Part 2
Trapped - part 2
Trapped - part 3
Summer school
Summer festivale
Ken Amada- part 1
Ken Amada - Part 2
Ken Amada - Part 3
Ken Amada - Part 4
Ken Amada - Part 5
Ken Amada - Part 6
Ken Amada - Part 7
Crazy night
Harem - part 1
Harem - Part 2
a lonely soul
Junpei Iori - part 1
Junpei Iori - Part 2
Junpei Iori - Part 3
Innocent Feeling
Social anxiety
Sleeping table
The culture festival - Part 1
The culture festival - part 2
Sick day shenanigans
a new day
Killer cheif - part 1
Killer cheif - part 2
Compassionate feelings
Joyous Night
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 1
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 2
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 3
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 4
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 5
Shinjiro Aragaki - Part 6
End of season 3
Last note
Locked heart - part 1
Locked heart - part 2
Minako Arisato - Part 1
Minako Arisato - Part 2
Minako Arisato - part 3
Minako Arisato - part 4
Minako Arisato - Part 5
Minako Arisato - Part 6
Controversial photos - Part 1
Controversal photos - Part 2
Controversal photos - Part 3
Controvesal photos - Part 4
Velvet Reunion
The programming club -Part 1
The programming club - Part 2
Saori Hasegawa
Innocence - Part 1
Innocence - Part 2
Minato Arisato - part 1
Minato Arisato - part 2
Minato Arisato - part 3
Minato Arisato - Part 4
Minato Arisato - Part 5
Minako and Minato
The final block - Part 1
The final block - Part 2
The Future
The final battle
Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 1
Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 2
Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 3
Mitsuru Kirijo - Part 4
The new chairman
Ryoji Mochizuki - Part 1
Ryoji Mochizuke - Part 2
Ryoji Mochizuke - Part 3
Ryoji Mochizuke - Part 4
Kyoto - Part 1
Kyoto - Part 2
Deep breath in the hot springs -Part 1
Deep breath in the hot springs - Part 2
Entitled authority
Midnight stroll - Part 1
Midnight stroll - Part 2
Midnight stroll - Part 3
The Impossible Bond - Part 1
The Impossible Bond - Part 2
the girl at the shrine
Calming moment
fate of the world - Part 1
fate of the world - Part 2
Maiko Oohashi - Part 1
Maiko Oohashi - Part 2
Fleeting happiness
Strega - Part 1
Strega - Part 2
Strega - Part 3
Strega - Part 4
Secrets of the ice and snow
The final decision
Farewell , Ryoji
Velvet confrontation - Part 1
Velvet confrontation - Part 2
Velvet confrontation - Part 3
Margaret - Part 1
Margaret - Part 2
Margaret - Part 3
the Dying Young Man
Warm hearts
To be alive - Part 1
To be alive - Part 2
To be alive - Part 3
A trip to Niseko - Part 1
A trip to Niseko - Part 2
A trip to Niseko- Part 3
Prelude to the finale
The tower of demise - Part 1
The tower of demise - Part 2
The immovable object
The unstoppable force
Memories of you

Trapped - part 1

392 12 3
By Cosmos_Null

As the twins descended into the lounge early in the morning , they saw every member of SEES in the lounge , with the exception of Ken who was still sleeping . The morning program was interrupted to report the rise of Apathy Syndrome , coupled with the fact that some of the patients froze in the middle of the traffic and nearly caused accidents .

" I've been thinking " Yukari pondered " what would happen if we fail to stop the shadow that appears on the night of a full moon ? "

" the world will end , obviously " Junpei answered

" can I get a smarter answer , please ? " Yukari rolled her eyes

" well ... the closest assumption we can conclude is that the Apathy Syndrome will continue to rise even more " Mitsuru thought

" I have conducted a stimulation of the future in accordance with the continuous rise of Apathy Syndrome " Aigis responded " patients who suffer from Apathy Syndrome are crippling society due to their lack of will to participate in any activity , they consequently do not work , study or contribute to any benefit to society . Moreover , relatives of those patients are forced to care for them as a result of their lack of will to live . I estimate that , within a year of continuous rise , the economy of Japan will plummet and the country may fall into chaos "

" this is scary ! " Fuuka shook her head in dismay

" yeah ... " Junpei nodded " if the economy falls , how will I go to the market and shop for my movie night every Saturday ? "

" the problem is much bigger than that ... does that mean other countries will try to take advantage of it ? " Minato thought " or is this happening in other countries , too ... "

" there's a lot of pressure on us to succeed ... " Yukari sighed

" you don't need to feel discouraged , guys ! " Minako cheered her team up " I mean we've defeated those shadows four times so far , and even though they're getting stronger , so are we . I'd say we got the hang of this shadow exterminating business ! "

" anyway " Mitsuru stood up " it's a full moon tonight , so I suggest you conserve your strength . We'll meet in the computer room at midnight to discuss this "

The Dark Hour has come , and indeed Fuuka managed to detect a strong presence at the north of Iwatodai . She sensed a shadow buried underground in an abandoned facility .

" I conclude the shadow is inside a military base " Aigis noted

" military ... there's a military base in there ? " Akihiko thought

" yes , that is correct "

" Aigis had geographic data downloaded in her memory bank when she was manufactured " the chairman explained " granted , the data hasn't been updated in a while so it's possible that the base is abandoned "

" shouldn't you update that memory ? " Junpei sighed

" oh ! Koro-chan! " Minako cried as she saw the dog behind the chairman " you're alright ! "

She immediately rushed to Koromaru and hugged his fluffy neck , followed by Yukari and Fuuka who were also worried about him . Koromaru was delighted to see them all and seemed especially fond of Minako .

" Why is he wearing a shirt ? " Minato raised an eyebrow in confusion

" it's adorable ! Isn't it ? " Minako replied " especially this collar with wings attached to it ! "

" that collar actually works as an evoker for dogs " the chairman replied

" an evoker for ... wait ! You want him to participate , too ?! " Minato exclaimed

" well you rejected Ken because he was a kid , but I don't see why you would... "

" I'm not rejected Koromaru , not after I saw how fiercely he defended his master's shrine . I'm just thinking that he should start from Tartarus as opposed to a full moon night . What do you guys think "

" he'll be perfect ! " Minako immediately exclaimed

" well if he's gonna motivate you this much , I guess I'll allow it "


The team arrived at the location . It was indeed a military base , with some equipments still scattered around the field . As they entered the base , Fuuka confirmed that the shadow was indeed somewhere inside the base . Suddenly , Koromaru began growling at the gate from which they came , and as they turned around they saw two guys approaching them , a shirtless guy with tattoos on his shoulders , and a guy holding a laptop case and a grenade in his hands .

" who're these guys ?! " Fuuka cried " Lucia didn't sense any presence before they appear ?! "

" well done " The shirtless man said " we have been watching you for a while , and I have to say that we're impressed . I believe it's about time we meet in person . The name is Takaya , the pleasure is all mine "

" I'm Jin " the guy with the laptop case said " we are known to some as Strega "

" from what we've observed , you've taken upon an allegedly righteous goal of saving the world . However , in your quest you've made it your goal to end the Dark Hour , and we can't allow that "

" you can't allow it ?! " Minako murmured , remembering what Shinjiro had told her a few days ago

" why ? " Yukari yelled at them " why would you try to stop us ?! "

" by ending the Dark Hour , the world will revert to its stable form " Jin said " this means our powers will be no more "

" you're Persona users ?! " Mitsuru was shocked

" we are among the few capable of wielding the magnificent power of Persona . Its fascinating power , its endless potential , the Dark Hour , the Tower Of Demise , they are all frontiers which can only be explored by us . Yet you chose to deny the blessings bestowed upon you and strived to end the Dark Hour , to end everything that makes you special "

" there's no telling what would happen if we don't do something ! " Minako exclaimed

" yeah ! " Junpei added " leave those damn shadows by themselves and they'll wreck havoc in the entire city !!! "

" and ? What difference does that make ? Disasters happen all the time even before the Dark Hour was a thing , and they're always driven by human ignorance and stupidity "

" you're insane !!! " Yukari was furious to hear Takaya's logic

" enough about the world , what about you ? Surely you realize the potential you're harnessing every night , the sense of significance the Dark Hour has given you "

" what significance ?! " Yukari screamed at him " shooting myself in the head ?! Having to live through the thought of suicide every time I need my Persona just for a fleeting sense of security ?!! Having to stand one second before death every night ?!! You think I like this ?!! "

" Yukari .... " Fuuka was saddened by Yukari speaking her thought , even though she knew they all felt it to a certain extent

" what about the rest of you ? Do you all wish to return to your pathetically ordinary lives ?! "

" what did you say ?!! " Junpei grew furious

" yes , we do ! " Minato interrupted him

" you're not honest with yourselves or with each other " Jin yelled at Minato " each of you is just tagging along for their own reason , and your justice is just a facade , you hypocrites ! "

" you didn't crack our ribs to read our hearts so zip it ! " Minato yelled back

" screw this ! " Jin flipped a switch , and the gate started closing before them " have fun in there "

" you think you can just taunt us and get away ?! " Minato pulled his evoker " Eligor ! "

" Hypnos ! Cast Magidoloan ! "

Takaya called his Persona , which was a humanoid creature with wings loosely attached to its back . Hypnos screamed , and a glowing radiance of light struck Eligor which immediately dispersed on the spot . Minato felt a throbbing headache that nearly had him lose consciousness . While SEES tended to their leader , the gate quickly closed before them .

" you weaklings will never live to see the dawn ! " was the last thing Jin said before the gate slammed shut .

" Minato ... are you okay ? " Minako stood by her brother who had mostly regained his consciousness " that was pretty reckless of you "

" I wanted to drag him inside , except I had no idea he was that strong " Minato noticed Koromaru anxiously rubbing himself at his leg and he gave him a weary smile " I'm fine now "

" damn those bastards ! " Junpei punched the metal gate " they're pissing me off ! "

" we must conserve our energy and focus on eliminating the shadow " Aigis suggested

" yeah ... we'll be in trouble if we had to fight them and the shadow "

" on that note , they're not exactly the smartest enemies we could've ended up with " Minako thought , but as she saw everyone staring at her she defensively explained " I mean one of them was strong enough to defeat Minato's Persona in one shot , if they fight us they'd probably be too strong for us , yet they chose to trap us with a shadow instead . I mean ... it's the kind like the cliched villainy where the bad guys are like ' a quick death is too good for you ' and stuff ... "

" nerd " Minato stared at his sister

" you gotta admit I have a point ! " Minako nervously responded

" they probably thought we could easily outnumber them " Akihiko suggested

" yeah , but why trap us with the very shadow they don't want us to destroy ? "

" that's true " Minato realized where his sister was going with her train of thoughts " with our Personas we can dig our way out , even if that would take some time but it's still possible . The only conclusion is that they expect us to lose to the shadow , but there's no reason to believe we will lose after we defeated the previous full moon shadows "

" we can't rely on our enemies being careless " Mitsuru decided " it might be a trap , so I think it would be for the best if Minato was the leader "

" okay , I'll do my best "

Since the beginning , Minato was on edge . He would have preferred that Fuuka stays outside the base ( since he didn't know that Strega was stalking them ) , but with her on the team he had to worry about her safety since she can't fight . Moreover , this military base is more crammed and with less area for maneuvering than Tartarus , so she wouldn't be able to escape an enemy even if she could detect it . Although Fuuka told him she only senses one strong shadow which was likely their target , Minato still insisted that she stays behind and with her he left Junpei and Mitsuru .

" wait , what ?! " Junpei objected " why can't I join along ! "

" I need you to defend Fuuka should the worst happen , smarty . Your Persona is pretty much the Jack of all trades "

" Jack of ... what ? "

" I thought you realized it by now , Junpei " Minako explained " your Persona can increase your defense , deal all sorts of physical attacks and fire attacks . My brother thinks you should be able to handle yourself against a wide variety of shadows "

" well , if you say so , guess you can't do much without me , huh ? " Junpei liked the idea that his Persona can do all those things

" if the situation grows dire on our side , I might call you back into the front lines so be ready "

" you got it , boss "

" the rest of you are coming along , and stay close "

They advanced into the base , which seemed to stretch underground . The sight of broken and abandoned weapons was haunting , and there were some skeletons scattered around . It seemed that the base was overrun by enemies , and they even found records and journals , giving them more insight about what the soldiers were experiencing at the time .

" can you two stop falling behind ?! " Minato yelled at Yukari and Minako who had found a tattered journal on the ground

" sorry " Yukari followed

" I think you'll find this interesting , bro " Minako started

" we don't have time for a documentary ! Put that junk down and follow along , and stop straying off the team ! "

" muTAOp mrAYyInH UuHu hA hEAm ! " Minako sarcastically imitated her brother's stern voice " you do realize that ... "

Sudddenly , the entire roof above them exploded before collapsing on top of their head . Through the confusion , Minato tried to make out who was by his side and who wasn't .

" Minako ! " Akihiko exclaimed " where's she ?! "

" you don't think ... ! " Yukari stuttered " you don't think she was buried below the crumbling roof ?! "


The first meeting between Strega and SEES . Anyone else thought of the reason why they trapped us in there ? Well , the game doesn't exactly care to explain which is unfortunate , but when the developers drop the ball , the fans pick it up ! So why did they trap SEES with the very shadow they want to defend ? It might've been apparent now , but the reason for it will be shown in the next part so stay tuned until then .

Also , I didn't like the little screen time Strega was given . Besides +++++++ ++++++++ and +++++++( a spoiler ) , they didn't do much . They just appear and monologue their way through cutscenes before leaving , and they were real cowards in the game , and even when they finally gather their courage to actually fight , they don't put up much of a fight . When I encountered them I was pumped for a brawl and was yelling ' vengeance is mine !!! ' but they lost way too quickly . That's why , as you'll see here , Strega will be more threatening .

I admit I might be writing this too soon , but I want you to keep in mind that Strega here is stronger than Strega in the game , and I even had Takaya oneshot Minato to show my point .

What else did I want to say ? Oh right ! Remember to comment who you want Minato to fall in love with , and if you did , thank you so much . On that note I want to state the obvious : comments on Minato's lover don't stack , so you only need to comment once so I could keep track of your username and your opinion . I'm sorry if the constant remind of this election thing is annoying , but it's because I care of what you all think , and I hope you have a wonderful time reading .

If you liked this part please consider voting , and I will see you in the next part . Stay safe .


The debate is closed , read the part about the results to find out who won

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