ayushi dhoopar

148 19 7

Thanks a lot  for sharing your thoughts with us.

Username: AyushiDhoopar

1) what inspired you to start writing?
My writing inspiration.. Umm long back in 2017 I read fan fiction on Instagram and then started writing.

2)when you started writing and how old were you?
In 2017,15 years old.

3) would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?
I read a fan fiction on Instagram and I still remember the name it was 'love lasts forever' and then I started writing ff in my notepad and then after knowing about this app I shifted over here and wrote.

4) from where do you get your ideas from.?
Ideas are mostly original from the  current tracks or some crack ideas I get just randomly doing something.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
I really love to read... I guess I've crossed reading more than 1k preeran fan fiction.

6) What does your family think about your writing.?
They know about my writing skills but not about ffs....i never willingly shared...

7)Which character of your book resemble you?
As my friends say I resemble preeta but a bit bold and crack version of her.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?
Thr male is forever Karan luthra, the hero of  of my all stories. He's the man of my dream and female is preeta because I resemble her a lot.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?
Dheeraj dhoopar, I'm a die hard dhoopian. .. He plays the role of Karan luthra who is the hero of my ffs.

10)Challenges you face while writing?
Immense laziness and mood swings.. I'm fed up of both of these.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?
Hobby... Career, I never thought as such.

12) who is your favourite author and your favourite book?
Every writer is my favorite and I love all the stories... But these writers make me wait for so long ufff... Well can say drowning in love by preeran_ishqan is my current favorite.

13) do you use any other website to update your story?
No only wattpad.

14) how much your readers meant to you?
They're the reason why I'm here... They mean a lot to me.

15) how much readers pressurise you to give update?
They pressurize a lot! A lot I get blackmailed, get spammed just for update.

16) how you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?
If never gone through such things but still I wanna say,.. That writing requires a lot of mind creativity, patience and passion. Please don't demotivate anyone by commenting negatively if uh don't like just stay mum.. Because It hurts.

17) want to say something to aspiring writers?
Just wanna say I love uh all.. Thank uh for tolerating me over here and I'll soon be completing 2 years soon on wattpad.. Keep tolerating me.

18) if you want you can ask  question from your readers?
No questions.

                  By harshita4289

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