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Username:  SwagateekaRana

1) What inspired you to start writing ?

When i was just a reader, I read many stories and I also started imagining Avaneil in different characters, so I decided to write my own stories.

2) When you started writing and how old were you?

I don't remember the exact date because I am very bad at remembering dates but I was 19 years old.

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing ?

I was very nervous and scared for the responce, but then I thought I was writing for my love for Avaneil , so i should give it a try and rest is on the reader's choice whether they want to read or not

4) From where do you get your ideas from? 

To be honest, I really don't know. I always get a sudden thought and I never thought what to write.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing ?

I love reading stories so I read whenever i get time.

6) What does your family think about your writing ?

They don't Know anything about it and I don't know what their reaction will be after knowing about it . My mother only knows that i spend most of my time reading stories.

7) Which character of your book resemble you?

  Umm.... I don't think I resemble any of them. They are all fictional stories and I don't have any characteristics of them. I am very sensitive but also mature . I react according to the situations. I am still a child to my parents and am adventerous and careless with my friends.

8) Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book ? why?

I love "my heartbeat"  character of avaneil the most " my heartbeat " is my first story and very close to my heart . I love  sweet, cute, naughty and childish avni with a caring and mature neil .

9) Who is your favourite celebrity ?

Mahendra Singh Dhoni , Aditi Rathore , Kapil sharma and Siddharth Shukla.

10) Challenges you face while writing ?

The most difficult thing for me is to show the character's point of view . It is not always easy to show what the chracter will think
or do in that particular situation. This has to be convincing otherwise readers can't connect with the character so, yes it is
challenging for me.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career ?

As, i mentioned I write only for my love for Avneil nothing else.

12) Who is your favourite author and your favourite book ?

Ther is many but " avneil _ nk _lover " is my favourite writer. I love every story but her " my bodyguard and my love " book is my favourite.

13) Do you use any other website to update your story ?

No, Only Wattpad.

14) How much your readers meant to you ?

I am still here only for them , otherwise I would
have left long ago. They meant alot to me.

15) How much readers pressurise you to give update ?

They never really pressured me and they always request for updates. They are ver understanding and cooperative. They support me a lot. I am the only one who does not give timely updates and I'm sorry for that.

16) How you feel when some reader comments offensive  and report your work?  Want to say something  to them?

Thankfully, I have not faced any reported problems or writers block till now, but once some readers had problems with one of the characters of my story this is fine for me because not everyone likes everthing, but when they said I should delete my story, I didn't like it . I mean if they don't like the character ,please don't just read . They can give suggestions for improvement or point out my flaws but commenting that i should delete the story , sorry i never can and never will. Because I have readers who really like my stories and look forward to my updates . It is my reponsibility to return back the love they show on my stories.

17) Want to say something to aspiring  writers ?

Just to do what you want to do and show your imagination. Never
afraid to try different things. We will all support you here whenever you nead us.

18) If you want you can ask 2 questions from your readers ?

1) Why do you read my stories ?
2) Is there anything special in my stories?

                                     By:   Shehryarbhai

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