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Welcome Roshini_97! We are really happy to have you here for this interview.

Let us start the interview!

1) what inspired you to start
Mostly fantasy stories inspired me to read more and reading got me into

2)when you started writing and
how old were you?
I started writing short stories and quotes back in 2016, I was nineteen at
that time. I officially started writing on Wattpad from 2017.

3) would you like to share your
experience when you first started
It was exciting and believed that no one will read, lol.

4) from where do you get your ideas
Mostly people around me, and also from the movies and books that
have watched and read.

5)What do you like to do when you
aren't writing?
I read, I watch movies and I will cook.

6) What does your family think
about your writing.?
I don't know because I never asked them. I think they are happy that I have a talent to write.

7)Which character of your book
resemble you?
Every character I have written has a part of me.

8)Which one is your favourite Male
and female character of your book?
The favorite male character is Vikram
because he's my first hero and the best till now. Female Character is Sathya from Bittersweet because
of her positive approach towards life. Special mention, I really enjoyed
creating Siddharth and Roshini's character from ' Her Secret Smile.'

9) Who is your favourite celebrity? There are a lot of people but currently, Eminem.

10)Challenges you face while
Trying to write more, and I often stuck with writer's block because of
that. And also self doubts whether my writing is good.

11) Writing is your hobby or you
want to persuade as career?
My hobby is writing and I want to become a professional writer

12) who is your favourite author
and your favourite book?
The list is big.

13) do you use any other website to
update your story?
Yes, I write on the Dreame and Inkitt apps.

14) how much your readers meant
to you?
They play an important role in my writing. I am still writing because of them.

15) how much readers pressurise
you to give update?
It doesn't bother me much, because even if I get a lot of messages asking
me to update I write when I want to. Because creativity shouldn't come out of compulsion.

16) how you feel when some reader
comments offensive and report
your work? Want to say something
to them?
I get upset before but nowadays I realized there's no rule that your content should be liked by all of
them. It's better if you have haters that way it will motivate you to write more and also to know more about your characters like what offended them while reading it. I don't care much about negativity.

17) want to say something to
aspiring writerss?
I am still an aspiring writer but for the writers who started their journey
now, Write continuously, never fall in the self-judgment trap, and also read more, especially, good books that suit your taste.

18) if you want you can ask 2 question
from your readers?
18. Do you guys love my stories? And why?


Thank you so much Rainbowusers. I enjoyed answering these questions.

It was really exciting to do this interview. I enjoyed it a lot. Your journey as a writer may reach it's peak.💜💜

Happy watty day!😊

If you guys want to know more about this writer, check out her profile Roshini_97

By sheefu_mei

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