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Welcome monika_annabattula! It is our pleasure to have you here for this

Let's start the interview!


1) what inspired you to start writing?
It was something that came to after my engineering, before that I always used to help my friends conversation their messages to their loved ones. They used to say have a way with my words and encouraged me to write.
After engineering, I started reading books and slowly the words in my heart came out in pages. Then I started from writing small quotes to stories. I always have some stories in my imagination, and just like that my journey started.

2)when you started writing and how old were you?
I was 21 years old, when I started writing small quotes.

3) would you like to share your
experience when you first started writing?
When I first started writing, I shared it with my friend. She helped me with my writing and encouraged me
to go on. With her help, I slowly came
to write in wattpad.

4) from where do you get your ideas
From everywhere, when I'm out travelling, even when I'm just going for work. These ideas just rush
into my mind and from experiences, not only mine but also my friends and
people around me. When I see different type of people around me, I wonder how they life is, when I see
random people, I imagine their life, when someone is crying, smiling, I always wonder the reasons behind
their expressions and imagine stories behind everything. I feel like everyone have a story to tell. And I want to write all the stories I see and feel through my eyes.

5)What do you like to do when you
aren't writing?
There are time when I feel like i can't write at all, in times like that i like to read or watch some movies. They give me inspiration to move forward.

6) What does your family think
about your writing?
My sister supports me. But parents not so much.

7)Which character of your book
resemble you?
I didn't write a book with a character like mine, I've a story in mind for that but still haven't put it down on

8)Which one is your favourite Male
and female character of your book?
Favorite Male character Would be Aiden from "Her Secrets" he's such a kind and warm hearted person,
he understands Alice and her past, and helps her overcome her fears. He
loved beyond everything and I feel like if l've a boyfriend. I would like to
have someone like Aiden.

And My favorite Female Character is Kiara, she's strong, caring, best mother, best sister, I really connect to her. She's not selfish, she thinks about others before herself. I want to be like her one day, selflessness like her is something I want to achieve.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?
Deepika Padukone, love her acting, her smile, her personality. Everything
about her inspires me.

10)Challenges you face while
Sometimes due to my personal life, I lose my ability to write, I feel lost,
but my friends help me overcome that.

11) Writing is your hobby or you
want to persuade as career?
My hobbies are reading, writing and cooking. As career, I always wanted
to become an author. I want people to read my book and feel happy, I want to see those smiles who read and
like my book.

12) who is your favourite author
and your favourite book?
John Green and Cecelia Ahern. These two are my favorites.

Paper towns by John Green and Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahern.

13) do you use any other website to
update your story?
I updated "Her Secrets" in Dreame.com .

14) how much your readers meant
to you?
They meant a lot to me, they're are the one who give me courage to write, even if it is one person, I'm happy
when they like my story. When someone vote or comment for my book, that one single thing makes my
day and I continue writing to see that everyday.

15) how much readers pressurise
you to give update?
Not much, I always leave a note when I'm busy, they understand and always
leave comments for my well being. I'm happy how understanding they are.

16) how you feel when some reader
comments offensive and report
your work? Want to say something
to them?
Well to be honest, I never had those bad experiences and I can't say anything to them. But I would like to say one thing, everyone have their own opinions but just because one person hate you that doesn't mean you've to stop walking towards your
goal, there will be stones in your path but you've to learn to over every steppingstone when you're rushing
towards your dream. Believe in yourself.

17) want to say something to
aspiring writerss?
Dont stop
Even if people criticize you,
Even If you feel like giving up,
Even if you like there's nothing else you can do.
Dont give up,
Get up,
Give it beyond 100%.
Give it more.
Believe in yourself, no one can write like you.
Your stories, your imaginations,
they will always be yours and there is no one like you.

18) if you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?
I always want my readers to let me know if l'm bad at anything, so that I can learn and improve. I would love if they leave their opinions in comments.


Thank you so much for taking your
precious time to give us an amazing
interview. I enjoyed it and I hope you
did too.💜

If you guys want to know more
about this writer, check out her
profile monika_annabattula

By sheefu_mei

Writers InterviewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora