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Welcome pinkangel_101! It is our
pleasure to have you here for this

Let's start the interview!

1)What inspired you to start writing?
My inspiration to start
writing, would have been
from reading others stories.
I joined Wattpad probably
about six years ago now
to read Draco Malfoy
FanFictions. A little while
later, I started reading Fan
Fictions of a mobile dating
sim game I played: Be My
Princess, done by Voltage.
When I was reading the Be
My Princess FanFics. It got
me thinking, what if this
happened? Oh that could
happen? Someone should
write about this happening!
After reading more FanFics,
I realized all the storylines
I wanted to read, were not
out there to my knowledge.
So I got that initial spark of,
oh my God! What if write
them? Would others enjoy
my stories as much as I
enjoy reading theirs?"I debated the thought of
possibly attempting to write
my first story. Then the
moment the idea truly hit
me of the plot line, I knew
had too.

2)When you started writing and how old were you?
I wrote and published
my first chapter here on
Wattpad early in the year
of 2015. At this time I was
24 years old. (Yes, I got
into writing FanFics and
watching anime much later
in life).

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?
My first book to post
was my first Be My
Princess FanFiction titled
'Falling In Love With a
Prince'. To this day, this
story is very dear to me.It was my first ever story,
therefore it holds a special
place in my heart.
It also almost made me
give up on writing, I had
about 10 followers at the
time, and a couple of the
first chapters posted. A
week or two went by with
zero votes or reads. I was
losing faith in the thought
of writing. "No one wanted
to read what I had to write".
Or at least that is what
thought at the time, and I
was on the tipping edge to
quitting my book, and not
writing another story ever.However out of the blue,
suddenly the votes started
to roll in, and the comments
of begging for more
updates. This inspired me
once more to continue my
story. Then soon more story
Ideas came to me, and
more readers followed me.
To this day, I am very happy
that I never did quit writing
back then. I enjoy writing all
my crazy story ideas.

4) From where do you get your ideas from?
For most of my books,
the idea pops into my mind
as I see a single photo.
(These photos always
usually are used for my
book covers).
I will look at a photo, and
in my mind a scenario
of that photo scene hits
me. My mind goes mad
with thoughts of what is
happening, at the time of
that photo. AndI then start
to think of the characters,
as well as a plot to lead up
to this exact moment of the
Though there is the rare
time when I am doing
something, not close to
writing. Say going for a
walk or something, and just
a random plot line hits my
mind for no reason. Then yes, there are times
when I read other stories
another wrote. I would
enjoy their writing, but in
my mind, I would think of
different ways this could
have gone. Then I create
my own book idea. (not
copying their ideas.) I think
of a full on different and
very original story idea,
with that one plot moment
I want to happen, and work
off of that. I never copy
another's story idea.
My Ereri FanFiction You're
Not Real'. This one was
inspired by another book
I actually did read on
wattpad. Though before
wrote it, I told the author
of my book idea, I made
it clear it was not a copy.There was just a twist to
it I liked. And when they
read the first chapter
posted, they even agreed.
That it was nowhere near
a copy of their book, it
was completely different
in every way. Even though
I used the same 'Human
Doll' idea they did, I wrote
my Doll's completely
opposite from how they
wrote theirs. And that
author was happy I did it so
different, and I understand
that. No one wants their
stories copied word for
Word, or the same exact
idea and plot. We each take
a long time to create our
own original works.

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