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Thank you so much ReaderDisha for giving your interview to us. ❤

1) What inspired you to start writing?

Initially I was just a reader on Wattpad. I have been reading books on
this app from a very long time. There was nothing in specific which inspired me to write I just wanted to try my luck out. I just thought that why not give it a try and see how the output comes. So after being a silent reader for god knows how many years I got the courage to write books of my own.

2)When you started writing and how old were you?

I still remember that day very clearly when I was going to complete my graduation and it was my final year exams. As soon as my exams ended,
the only thing on which I focused was to write my first book which was "wolf
love" a werewolf story. At that time I was 19 years old however, I also used to write poems when I was 15 but that habit of mine came to a halt after few months.

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

•  I would love to share my experience. Personally I feel that every person has different experiences and the learnings out of it are amazing. Honestly When I was just writing my first book I was very anxious. I always used to have thoughts like what if it didn't work out properly, what if people didn't like it or would people be able to relate to it or not. After gaining a lot of courage I put these thoughts apart and I just published my first book. There were a lot ofChallenges but slowly and gradually it gained reader's attention and people started liking it. It wasn't that of a success but the comments of my readers would motivate me and that was the part where I thought that no I should continue writing. After that came my second book "Love After Marriage" which is still loved by a lot of people and I am grateful for that to my readers.

4) From where do you get your ideas from?

There is nothing in particular from where I get my ideas. These are all random thoughts which come up in my mind and I just pen down my emotions.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

When I am not writing then I would utilize my time in watching movies, reading books of my fellow writers
and much more but right now due to the situation I am locked up in my home.

6) What does your family think about your writing.?

It was only after I published my first book the first person I told was my father and I just started rambling in front of him that
I just have published my first book and was writing it for a period of time and
blah blah blah and he was Like "are you joking. I can't believe it".

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