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❤❤Thank you for giving us your interview ❤❤


1)what inspired you to start writing?

What inspired me to write is my ideas and  how people love my work. I was kinda nervous and shy about putting my stories out there although once I gotten used to it, I realized that a lot of people are here for same reasons to develop a writing community.

2)when you started writing and how old were you?

I started writing in kindergarten because you have to write for school. Although if you are talking about stories wise I started when I was intermediate school(7-8 grade) . I Also started to write poetry when I began high school(9-12). To answer your question 7-12 grade I've been writing stories and poems.

3) would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

Yes. I started writing my first story when I was in 7th grade and it was a great experience, I just loved how the idea kept on coming pouring out of me like a bucket or cup of water that never ends, that's the same thing when I started to write poetry, although when I write poems it's more from the heart or what I see and experience in my real life.

4) from where do you get your ideas from.?

I get my ideas from books, movies, tv shows or just from my own experience of what I've seen and been through in my life.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Sing, dance, act our little skits/plays for my family and friends. I also like to make videos and do fun challenges.

6) What does your family think about your writing.?

They love it and they're very supportive of me becoming an Author when I grow up. When they know what I'm passionate about something they'll help me out. Like I'm very strongly passionate becoming an author after college and they encourage me to go for it even if it's hard or very difficult they still. Know I can do it because that's my career goal. They're very good supporter and I'm glad they know about my writing.

7)Which character of your book resemble you?

I can't really say since I haven't really much on here although the more stories and chapters I write I'm pretty sure the characters will potray some of my quirks. Mostly as of now I Base my characters on TV shows or movies I've seen.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?

My favorite male character is jack because he is the perfect boyfriend (in my opinion) and even though I have never experience as a  couple I can see it what I would like my perfect soulmate to be and my favorite female character is Meghan because even though I can't relate to her, I still can feel her connection.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

My favorite celebrities are:
Ariana Grande (female)
Shawn Mendes (male)

10)Challenges you face while writing?

Yes, a lot of challenges I face while I'm writing, including writers block struggling and balancing ideas off my head, no internet when I'm doing research for my book, WiFi connection problems, restarting my stories because it wasn't save, phone or computer update and it shuts off when I'm writing, etc.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?

I would like to persuade writing as my career that ha s always been my goal ever since intermediate school. When I write it's not because of hobby reasons it's because I'm passionate about this career choice in my life.

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