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I Hope you guys are fine in this covid situation . So guys , presenting you the interview of a lovely writer nandini_001 . I hope you guys enjoy the interview . Lets not waste time and find some interesting answers . 

1)What inspired you to start writing?

First of all ...I am more of a reader ! But since I love our Samaina I used to read fanfics where I felt that I should try pening down my thoughts featuring Samaina eventually I published my first story , the second one which I feel is better . 

2)When you started writing and how old were you?

I dont't exactly remember the date . But it was in the lockdown when I came up with a thought of writing ! I was 14 at that time . 

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

I was completely flummoxed during the start ! I still remember how much I worked hard to make my readers feel that it was realistic . I didnt have any experience , not even in my personal diary ! But my watty fellows supported when I needed them the most . 

4) From where do you get your ideas from?
I endeavour to take ideas from every
" Realistic" tv show, movie,  and I mostly concentrate on dialogue  to get the feel . And rest of the ideas are taken from my lazy brain itself . 

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
Well I just like to spend some quality time with myself. It's really important to know yourself deeply and if not  this just stick to music or cosmetology passion .

6) What does your family think about your writing?
They like my point of view on how I see things ...they somehow got surprised that a lazy person like me can think this much deeply. They support me but they still want my studies to my priority .

7)Which character of your book resemble you?
In my fanfiction "Adjustments"  the character of both naina and sameer resembles me . Sameer is shown as a inexpressive perosn that is so me while naina resembles my character because I have ability to understand others and also have a look at their pov.
So this is how they both are part of my own character

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?
Male - Gangandeep (naina's father ) and female - naina ofcourse . A father like gagandeep is suitable for every daughter . He supports naina in every  possible way. 
Naina is just a perfect daughter , a trustworthy friend and loyal wife .

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

Currently shahrukh khan .

10)Challenges you face while writing?
The most challenging part is making my chapters long . Its just way to difficult to write such long chapters

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?
I just wanna be top hairstylist and makeup artist in the world ...just like preeti in yudkbh.

12) Who is your favourite author and your favourite book?
I just can't pick the favourite . .all are my favourite . But favourite book has to be kabhi to nazar milao by niki di .

13) Do you use any other website to update your story?

No just wattpad .

14) How much your readers meant to you?
They are my second family . I cant Express my delightful thoughts whenever it comes to wattpad family I got . They are lovely and my trustworthy friends .

15) How much readers pressurise you to give update?
I didnt feel pressurised ever !I feel them . I know how killing it is when your writer doesn't update for a long period which is happening me to nowadays. I so wanna update next, I receive request on daily basis . But alas I am not able to update the next part . A big sorry to all my readers .

16) How you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?
I never felt any kind of offense through my readers . As I said before , they are lovely . They wont hurt me ever.

17) Want to say something to aspiring writers?

You all guys are doing fantabulous job ! You guys are awesome . I cannot even think comparing myself to you all . Keep growing.

18) If you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?
1) will you forgive me if I give late updates from now on ??
2)  are you guys satisfied with my work?

            Published by  callmesancheti

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