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Thanks a lot sapphiresnow_for sharing your thoughts with us.

Username :

(previous name was the_sarcastic_girl_ , if you can't tag me then please blame Watty not me)

1) what inspired you to start writing?

Inspired? Actually there's no inspiration, it's my curiosity to see if I can write or not made me start writing. And now after almost two and half years, I'm here with my one thousand eight hundred and thirty four watty family members.

2)when you started writing and how old were you?

I started writing in Oct, 2016. A few days before my seventeen birthday, but technically I was sixteen when I started writing.

3) would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

Well, it's really amazing. I never thought anyone will read my story when I published my first story. But it's great to see so many people supporting me in this journey of mine. So, I'm thankful to them for making my journey so beautiful and memorable.

4) from where do you get your ideas from.?

From my brain! ;) Well, isn't it the right answer? Apart of them, I get ideas from dramas, books and something which I saw in real. But that doesn't mean I copy them. Not at all, if any had read my stories then they would realize that I have my own touch in my creation. But if anyone had found my stories similar with others, then I can't tell. Personally, I feel my stories are different and unique because I always try to create something different.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Sleeping, eating, chatting on phone, reading on wattpad,creating cover and doing house chores. That's all I do when I'm not wattpad. Other than that, I have two students whom I teach in my free time.

6) What does your family think about your writing.?

Well, they don't think anything! My family knows I write but they don't have opinion like you shouldn't write or something. They just let me do whatever I want. But yeah, my mom gets angry when I use my phone for long time. That's all.

7)Which character of your book resemble you?

Amelia, she's the main character of my book, 'The Baby's Contract'. I just love her character because it's totally like me. She's clumsy, sweet,innocent and tend to embarass herself. But she's also strong, independent and ready to fight when it's needed. Ever since the story was in mind, I created this character with so much love and passion that I still can't believe today's it's in front of mine and people are reading it.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?

Everyone, including villains and witches! ;)I love everyone. If someone hates a character then also I'm happy because it's meant to created to hate. Love the protagonist and hate the antagonist that's how writer's create their characters. And if a writer make any reader fall in love with his character then he's succeeded in creating a beautiful character. Same goes for negative characters also.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

Long list! Should I mention everyone? I'm big fan of Lee Jong Suk. I'm literally obsessed with dramas after watching W. I can watch his dramas without getting bored. That much obsessed I am! Other than that I love Lee Min Ho, Mike D'Angelo, Park Hyung Sik, Yang Yang. Even I love Park Shin Hye, she's so cute. I do love Indian actors as well which tops with Varun Kapoor and Helly Shah. I started to love them after watching Swaragini. Then Shaheer Sheikh, Parth Samthaan, Erica Fernandez,Riya Kapoor, Siddharth Malhotra, Anuska Sharma etc. Told you every long list! ;)

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