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❤❤Thank you for giving us your interview ❤❤

Username: ChhaviGupta5

1) what inspired you to start writing?
Well I love reading and have been reading books and e-books on Wattpad for a few years now. One day I just thought about giving it a try. So last year I wrote my first book.

2)when you started writing and how old were you?
I started writing in August 2019 on wattpad.

3) would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?
I had inhibitions when I started, as I studied from Hindi medium so my vocabulary was limited. But I still gave it a try... Well I was fortunate that all the readers loved my book. I can't thank them enough for that. ❤️❤️

4) from where do you get your ideas from.?
Well I get ideas from my imagination and experience and some of them from my friends.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
Well I am happily married and have two cute girls. I havey own business and member of the parent teacher association of my kids school. So I work voluntarily with school. I love cooking...

6) What does your family think about your writing.?
My husband loves my work and my family support me. They really enjoy reading my books.

7)Which character of your book resemble you?

Every female protagonist of mine has some shades of my personality but Maurvi is 90- 95 % of me. She resemble me.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?
They all are my creation... I like all of them... But still if I have to name just one... It would be Maurvi and Gautam. They are sweet and positive people always being nice with others.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?
I can't name one... I have many favourite celebrities in different areas of work.

10)Challenges you face while writing?
I think, I am fortunate enough that I have not faced any such challenge. Writer's block is challenge which every writer face... But I get over it soon.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?
It is my hobby and I am enjoying it. But if some very good opportunity comes... I would not mind to perdue it as career.

12) who is your favourite author and your favourite book?
I have many to name one...

13) do you use any other website to update your story?
No, right now I am writing only on Wattpad. Though I have been contacted by a few sites requesting me to post my work on their site. I am enjoying the love and support of my reader friends here in Wattpad so I have not decided yet.

14) how much your readers meant to you?
Well I think I already answered that question in my last answer... They mean a lot to me... I have a few good offers but still I am a bit reluctant to remove my work from here... It is because their appreciation means a lot to me. I love them.... ❤️❤️❤️

15) how much readers pressurise you to give update?
I post atleast one update every day. They don't pressurise me ... Yet they request me to post a double bonanza almost every day... I take it as a compliment. They usually compliment me about the fact that I update every day... I love to make them happy and their kind encouraging words makee happy.

16) how you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?
I would say that I am fortunate that till now I have not got them. If someone has a query or asks me about something, I tell them my point of view. If someone points out any mistakes, I appreciate that and thank them for that.

17) want to say something to aspiring writers?
Well I think, that reading is our hobby... We all read that's why we all are here... So a writer should write something that gives pleasure to the reader... It should be light, simple and yet entertaining. Everyone indulges in some hobby to get pleasure out of it. So we all should write something positive... Which spreads happiness. And I would also like to say that... We all have inhibitions but one must give it a try...
18) if you want you can ask 2 question from your readers
I would love to ask which of my book they liked the most? * Who are their favourite character our of my books * What types of stories they would like to read. Thanks a lot for considering me for this interview..

Interview taken, written and published by AditiSwaroop

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