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🔹️🔹️Thanks alot Cuteminger
For giving us your interview 🔹️🔹️

Username: Cuteminger

1) What inspired you to start writing?

In the beginning, it had been a lot of reading and me wanting to let out my thoughts through some or the other way, but as time went by it was the surroundings a few things that would overwhelm me, affect me the most... I had to pen them down or type them to just get away with it for some time. Eventually a few turned out to be good ideas for my plots.

2)When you started writing and how old were you?

I was 17 when I wrote my first story, that was actually right after my 12 board exams.

3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

Ohh, that is something really funny, even today when I look back it at times I cringe, there are times I laugh at it, while there are other times when I just feel glad that I actually opened that word doc and began writing. So to actually tell you about my experience... I began my first book "And we fell in Love" right after a fight with my parents, it wasn't something really serious, but just soo disturbing that I had to write about it, I went and jotted down what I felt at that moment, a month later when I went back to it, I was shocked at it, it was as well a time when I had came across many bomb blast stories, that was yet secondary thing that inspired the plot of the story.

When I finally went down to plotting and writing, and I came out and told people that I am writing, I received different reactions from all, My family, especially my mom was quite supportive, she had said that "do what ever you want, just make sure you finish what you have started." There were times when my DMs would be filled with messages both of people who loved and adored the story to even how stupid the plot and the characters sounded. And somewhere I found that I received quite a few of negative messages than the positive one and somewhere I was glad about it. It had taken me about a year to finish my book, through that year I had as well started another book, but now when I go back to that book, I could see how each chapter of that book shows the way I improved, be it from the introductory chapters or the happy ending that the couples had. To sum it all, my first novel actually made me prepared for all the things, it even taught me how was it that I was to talk to a complete unknown person. Somewhere these books of mine are the ones who helped me be the person I am today.

4) From where do you get your ideas from?

My ideas are mostly borrowed from instances from m real life. At the beginning I used to be quite unsure whether to use them or not, but later on I found a way. The main concept behind the plot would be something that might have affected me in my life a lot, and then eventually after a bit of research and bringing out various scenarios I build the story in such a way that though people could relate to it, but the people who are directly connected with the scenes or the topic do not get effected in any negative manner.

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Two months before I was quite a busy person with college, events that take place in my college and what not. Hence earlier if ever I would not be found writing I would be hanging out with my friends, my family. One of the biggest activities that had me occupied earlier would be the college communities and events. But now after college, if not writing, I would be busy reading books, watching K-dramas, old movies and songs, songs especially the old 90s one I love them a lot. Other than that I am interning with Wattpad itself, hence my time is quite occupied with that work as well. But after all the fiasco of corona virus would be over, I could say one of the major things that would be taken over other than writing would be a Job and my weekends that Plan to spend with my best friends with may be a walk at the Marines or our cup of tea.

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