Just What I Needed (42)

Start from the beginning

But that didn't mean that the entirety of his lean body was just as attractive as the front, the boy really did drip sex appeal. Not that she was thinking about it.

As he turned to the side, Keely let herself watch him absentmindedly while he leaned against the bars of the jail cell, a small crease appearing between the dark brows as he dialed a number. Letting the air escape from her lips, she once again puffed out her cheeks.

Finally getting bored with the situation, probably because there was no more Seth to keep her entertained, she flipped over the bucket, using it as a drum as she beat her hands across it carelessly. But the banging that had a lack of rhythm soon turned into a beat as she sang lightly to Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love.

Still she managed to keep half an ear on Seth's conversation.

“Yeah, you guessed it. Right here. Well, I don't know, it just sort of happened...” he trailed off, running a hand through his hair before continuing on. “Is anything ever my fault? I know. No, don't you dare, get Colton to go pick it up. No, I don't want you anywhere near my car! Yeah, you're my best mate but that doesn't mean I'll ever let you near it again. I'm not being a dick, I'm being realistic, you totaled my last car. Of course that's fair, shit, you were driving it! Just come, okay?”

As he hung up, Keely managed to hear him tell the cop that she didn't need a phone call before coming to sit beside her.

Stopping her drumming, Keely turned on the bench again so she could face him although he continued to face forwards. Her light head protested at the sudden movement, but at least the bucket wasn't needed. “Marco's coming to pick us up?” she asked, looking the side of his handsome face.

Yes, she could admit he was better looking than most people, better looking than anyone she'd ever met before. And with the alcohol still coursing through her bloodstream very potently, she probably would have admitted it out loud, especially if he sent her a look through his deep hazel eyes with the hints of gold.

“Yeah, we'll see how long it takes him to come when you're hear,” Seth returned tipping his head to the side so their eyes met fully, “He usually lets me stew a while.”

Feeling the pall of sleepiness blanket her mind, Keely gave a loud – and very wide – yawn, barely able to cover her mouth in time. Still she managed to keep her abruptly weary eyelids open.

Thoughtlessly she shoved the bucket away from her grasp, it falling to the concrete floor with a loud clang to the ground. But she ignored it with ease, shoving herself forward so her crossed legs brushed him as she raised a hand to his cheek, brushing her fingers lightly over his cheekbone and up towards his eye, much too focused to notice his reaction.

“You're starting to bruise,” she whispered, tracing her fingers over the darkening skin.

All she received in a response was, “Hm?”

A smile twitching on her mouth, Keely brushed her hand up from his cheek into his hair, finding the cropped hair just as soft as she'd imagined. Focusing on his eyes, she told him conversationally, “Tyler said you're a great musician because you've had a crappy life.”

His eyes crinkled with humor, making the gold shine, but she could still see that familiar sadness. “So you think I'm a great musician now?”

“Oh, I think you're an incredible one,” she answered honestly, not feeling the least bit embarrassed for her words in her state in the protective bubble of intoxication about her. “But you know what? I'd like the pain to go away now, you'd still be the same musician you are now, but you'd be happier. And maybe then I wouldn't have to worry about you.”

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