Tag, I'm It! (I'm Really Not Funny)

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So I was tagged in this thingy by @tinyboxtrin


1.) You must post the all the rules
2.) You have to tag 13 people
3.) Each person has to say 13 things about themselves
4.) You have to answer the 13 questions addressed to you and create 13 more
5.) You can't say I don't tag
6.) Tag backs are allowed
7.) Has to be finished within a week (I totally did this in like a week and a day. Whoops?)
8.) Be creative
9.) Has to be in a book, not the comments

*13 Things about me*

-I'm 14
-I'm a scorpio
-I'm very awkward
-I like a lot of different music genres
-I love Marvel comics and movies
-I have no clue what I want to do in life
-I liked 8th grade more than high school
-I'm like 98% sure I'm going to a Fall Out Boy concert!!!
-I can't keep a diary
-I try to be a very nice person
-I've never actually had a boyfriend
-I've never been kissed (Lip virgin!!)
-I have a huge fear of being alone


1) Favorite Video Game?

Mario 64 or probably Modern Warfare 3

2) Captain America or Iron Man?

I am on Captain America's side BECAUSE, in the movie, I feel like Tony is not taking Steve's feeling in account for. Steve just found Bucky and now the government want to take Bucky away... how about no

3) Favorite Disney Movie?

Ummm...I thought Tangled was pretty lit along with the Aristocats and Emperor's New Groove, but I'm gonna have to go with Aladdin because of the songs and I had/have the biggest crush on Aladdin.

4) Favorite Book Character?

Myrnin from The Morganville Vampires because he is so awesome and insane like me

5) Favorite Girl Name


6) Favorite Boy Name

James, Zander, or Fabian

7) When you have a crush on a book/movie character, do you put your name as a replacement for the girl/guy who takes their heart?

I've been doing this since I was 6...

8) Do you like to sing?

Singing is actually something I do everyday

9) Which do you find more attractive; eyes or smile?

I'm a sucker for a beautiful smile, but eyes can capture me too.

10) Crushing?

Do you mean under all the stress from school? If so, yes! (I am crushing on all of my husbands whom you can find in my bio)

11) Favorite scent?

IDK. Vanilla? Cookies? Something warm and homey pretty much.

12) Like to roleplay?

Um...I like to imagine myself into certain scenarios. Does that count?

13) Cats or dogs?

Both, but right now I really want another cat in my life.

My Questions

1) If you were stranded on an Island, what are 3 things you would bring?
2) Favorite Book?
3) Most nostalgic song?
4) Celebrity crush?
5) Favorite thing to do?
6) Hobby?
7) Favorite TV show?
8) Do you ever dream of marriage or the future?
9) Are scary movies a yes or no?
10) Favorite decade?
11) Any siblings?
12) Guilty Musical Pleasure
13) A food you like that would be weird to other people?

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