Chapter 159 - The Urge To Protect

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"I was the one who was getting close, Icy-Hot!" Bakugou retorts, yelling from right beside Kira. She leans away from him ever so slightly, as if that would do anything to cancel out the noise. "You were the one in my exhaust, which means I'm obviously above you!"

"I thought you said it was too early to be yelling," Kira replies, her own voice contrasting his own.

He spins his head to her and looks like he's about to bite back with his own fierce response, but decides to keep a lid on it. Maybe some kind of sincerity across her features warned him to do so. Or maybe, it's simply because Todoroki continues his determined speech, turning to Midoriya who seems willing to join in on the tenacious turn of events.

Kira decides to put her gauntlets on, as Bakugou yells at Todoroki and Midoriya for ignoring his boasting, tucking one under her armpit so she can slide her arm in the other. As she adjusts it so it's suitably comfortable, she realises how worn it is, how abused. Her thumb gently rubs some scratches on the material, feeling the bumpiness of hard work under her skin. She looks to her classmates, noticing the vulnerability etched onto their bodies. They all look just as worn down as their hero suits.

"Are we ready?" Endeavour speaks up, approaching the students, silencing their preparation. "You four, with me."

They all nod, eager to get back out there. Today is the day Kira masters her traversal - she just knows it. Then, she can move onto her other skills that she needs to harness, though she won't be able to ask Endeavour for any further advice. Still, she remembers his words, not just to her, but to her classmates, and she'll keep them close, rely on them so she can understand her Quirks even further.

They reach the roof of the number one's agency and before any of them can even breathe, Endeavour rushes off on his patrol, his Quirk ablaze to help him traverse the skies. Kira leaps off the rooftop after him, her light boosting her onwards, Todoroki creates an ice slide, skating down smoothly, balancing himself with his arms, Midoriya's Quirk crackles around his body, propelling him from rooftop to rooftop, and Bakugou's hot on Endeavour's heels, never needing to touch the ground. They must be quite a sight, five heroes with differing Quirks, lighting up the skies with their unique colours. 

At first, Endeavour's pace is manageable, but twenty seconds later, his instincts kick in and he shoots off without a hint, nearly vanishing from sight. If it weren't for how flashy his Quirk is, the students would have immediately lost him within seconds. Kira curses, totally and completely unprepared for such a sudden heroic intention, fumbling with her skills and forcing her light to glow brighter, charring the rooftop behind her and soaring after her classmates. She's always behind them. When will that change?

Kira can spot what piqued Endeavour's interest up ahead - a daytime robbery attempt. The number one hero dives down in a blaze of fury, zooming towards this masked fiend. The students follow suite, soaking in Endeavour's rage as they trail after him. The robber notices the heroes approaching and panics, swiping the briefcase from this random civilian and takes off down the street, though he's not going to get far on foot. The criminal barely makes it two steps before Endeavour swiftly lands, his frame towering over him. He doesn't even try to fight back, throwing the briefcase into the pro hero's face and sinks to his knees, as if begging for mercy. 

"Wise decision," Kira hears Endeavour mumble to the criminal, as she finally manages to catch up.

She's already panting, heaving with the strain of multi-tasking, her hands resting on her knees with her exertion. Kira straightens with a sigh and joins her fellow classmates, who beat her to the scene, naturally. Endeavour sends the students a look of disapproval, scolding them with just a mere glance. They wait for the authorities to arrive, to shackle the criminal and then they're off again, where Kira and her friends can disappoint themselves again and again, as they try and fail to keep up with Endeavour.

Stuck With You | Katsuki Bakugou x OC [Book One]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat