Chapter 155 - Learning How To Fly

Start from the beginning

"Quite a scar you got there," Burnin' comments and Kira doesn't dare show a hint of humiliation, if that is indeed her intention. "How'd you get it?"

"A villain," Kira tells her truthfully. No point in hiding its origins. "It happened during Kamino."

"Kamino, huh?" The sidekick approaches Kira briskly. "You were there?"

Kira gestures to her classmates and Midoriya as he finally leaves his room, adjusting his mask as he does. "We all were."

"Oh!" She barks, staring at each of them. "You're all just a bunch of troublemakers! Well, then I guess you might just fit in pretty well here after all." She leers at Kira, as if expecting her to retort to what she assumes as an insult, when it's nothing but the truth. "Come on, let's head on back. There's gonna be a lot of work for you guys."

Kira and the others follow behind Burnin' back to the main work room, narrowly avoiding other sidekicks as they plow their way down the halls holding armfuls of random equipment. It's all already quite overwhelming, but hopefully Kira will be able to get used to it before it's all over.

"So, thing is," Burnin' adds, glancing back at the four of them, as they walk back. "Shoto's the only one Endeavour wanted to train on his own, but don't worry! Us sidekicks will take good care of you other three."

"I'm here because I was told I could watch the number one hero work up close!" Bakugou retaliates, very obviously upset with the news.

Kira isn't thrilled either. This isn't what she thought would happen.

"You'll still see him!" Midoriya tries to call his childhood rival down, rushing to catch up with his quickened pace. "Please calm down, Kacchan!"

"This isn't how I expected things to play out," Todoroki admits, looking down at the ground. "I'll try talking to him."

Just as they arrive back in the main work room, Endeavour's office doors open with a thunderous, overpowering rumble. Even his office is intimidating... Endeavour approaches the waiting students, marching up to them and staring at each of them inquisitively, like he's trying to figure them all out.

Has he deciphered why Hawks gave him that book already? She's surprised to see him out of his office so soon. Maybe she just doesn't give him enough credit.

"Shoto, Deku, Bakugou, Starlight," Endeavour begins. "I'll look after you four myself. You are all now under my tutelage. Deku, Bakugou, Starlight - before we begin, tell me about yourselves. What are you currently capable of? What weaknesses do you need to improve upon?"

Midoriya steals the chance to speak first, stepping towards Endeavour and revealing his gauntlets to him. "I want to perform at my fullest," he tells the pro hero. "But, to do that, I'll need to gain better control over my power."

"How interesting," Endeavour says slowly. "Your Quirk is so strong that it hurts you. Is that right?"

"Yes." Midoriya nods. "I've learnt to control it enough that I don't usually injure myself. However..." He hesitates and Kira leans past Bakugou to spot her classmate. He looks uncertain. "Recently, there's this other thing... It's kinda like... So, it's my power but it's manifesting in a way I've never experienced before."

"Show me," Endeavour orders.

Midoriya aims his hand out and a very small tendril of his new power trickles out from his gloves. Kira peers down at both his new gear and his new ability and then up to Endeavour, curious to hear his opinion.

"If I concentrate, I can release the small amount I can handle," Midoriya adds, as the tendril evaporates into nothingness. "This is the most I can manage for right now. If I'm not careful, then untamed energy explodes out of me."

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