Chapter 146 - Heroes Rising (Part Three)

Start from the beginning

Bakugou is her conclusion.

Kira's hands clench by her sides, her skin crawling with her judgements, her indecisions, when finally, she curses under her breath and spins on her heel, crashing through the front doors in search of Bakugou. He probably wants to be alone, especially after having argued with his closest friend, but Kira just can't pass this opportunity up. They've shared words, moments together, where they were verging on the edge of being something from their past. This unspoken thing that seems to bound them both, holding them back from one another, preventing them from becoming close once again.

Remnants of their argument flashes in her mind, beating her down and convincing her doubt, but Kira just wants to be alone with him again, hoping that he'll look at her the way he used to, with that unique glint that seemed to be all hers. Bakugou doesn't get far, walking slowly, with his hands in his pockets and his head down. As if he senses her, he pauses, his head raising slightly. He then turns to her, the only thing separating them being a fifty foot length of pavement.

Neither one of them moves, as if any slight indication would fracture this special moment. The atmosphere is still and silent, not even the wind decides to intervene. Kira swallows heavily and takes one small step towards Bakugou, before he's lost to her forever, but Bakugou still makes no movement, or resemblance of even recollecting her existence. It isn't until she quickens her pace that reality begins to sink in and the world begins to spin again, as a calming breeze brushes over Bakugou's features, ruffling both his hair and his hero costume.

She stands directly in front of him, merely an inch between them now, gazing up at his eyes that directly contrast the dark, dark sky behind him. That space that keeps them apart from each other... Kira wants it gone. She never wants it to make a reappearance, to tear through what strange uniqueness they have for each other. With his eyes continuously burning brilliantly for her, that's no way to look at someone normally. Surely, Bakugou views Kira in a different light, not just as a classmate, or a teammate, or even a friend. This has to be something more.

"I'm coming with you," she whispers, her voice so faint, she wonders if he even hears her.

His gaze flickers down to her lips and her heart jolts, her palms growing clammy at such a dangerous closeness. 

"Fine," he says simply and turns away from her. 

Kira feels like she's going to fall over, her breath escaping her as she watches Bakugou continue his patrol. She's dying to know what his thoughts are, how he perceives her, if he even regrets certain moments they share. Kira jogs to catch up with her classmate, deciding to match his pace on the left side. He isn't particularly fast, his strides even and burdensome as he keeps his gaze locked on the ground at his feet. He left his bracers inside, his gloves too and Kira looks down at his hands by his sides, swaying with every other step he takes.

Kira drags her eyes away from his body, before her mind consumes her and decides to take in her surroundings. It will be easier to memorize the layout of the island and the town for tomorrow, should there be any other calls to take. Besides, it doesn't seem like Bakugou's paying much attention, so the last thing she wants to do is end up getting lost. 

As they venture into the town, the buildings becoming more dense and the streetlights less sparse, she realises how deathly quiet it all is. Such a quaint, peaceful town, where everybody knows everybody and barely anything happens. She isn't sure if she likes it or not. Part of her misses the chaos on the mainland, how cramped everything is. However, there are no villains here, no risk of anyone getting hurt, or being afraid. Here on Nabu Island, they don't have to concern themselves with the fight between Endeavour and that Nomu, they don't have to worry about that destruction ruining their lives.

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