Chapter 144 - Heroes Rising (Part One)

Start from the beginning

"You're underestimating me again," Shinso responds, his tone sharp, but in no way spiteful. 

Kira looks to him, noticing the hint of levity in his voice. "I didn't say that," she teases. "You still have a lot to learn if you want to join the hero course."

"Why do you think I'm still here?" He adds. "Training with you?"

"Well, I'm glad to hear I'm formidable enough for you," she keeps up the jibe.

"Eh, you'll do."

Kira's lips part at his response, her brows slightly raised. She hears the twinge in his tone, the playful demeanour clear in his stance, so different to how he was a few weeks ago. When they first started to train, he never offered her a second glance, no sign of consideration. It was all work, no play. 

Kira pats down her bare arms, feeling how cool her skin has become. "Is that so?" She murmurs, before facing Shinso again. "If you're feeling overconfident today, then you'll have no problem beating me, right?" She faces Shinso, now her sparring opponent, and he too prepares himself, spacing his feet apart and clutching his binding cloth. "Perhaps today will be the day."

"I'm ready," he says with a firm nod.

She returns the gesture. "Good, because I'm not going to hold back."

Alas, today is indeed not his day.

Their combat is swift and precise. His fighting style is simple, but today it's lacking focus, like his mind is elsewhere. Kira can always read people when they're sparring, when they're up close and personal, their expressions always alive and sincere. At least, that's what she tells herself.

But, like she's done in previous training sessions, she bests him. Shinso falls back on his behind, wincing before looking up at Kira with a shimmer of admiration in his eyes. Kira holds her hand out for him and he gratefully accepts it. She tugs him to his feet and he doesn't release his grip for a few seconds afterwards. Kira assumes he needs the support, like he might fall over again. Maybe she should have gone easier on him.

"I'm glad you two decided to go all out today," Mr Aizawa interrupts, as he marches his way over to the students.

Shinso pulls his hand away at the teacher's approach and Kira frowns at the motion.

"Why?" Kira says, her eyes watching Shinso briefly, before turning to Aizawa.

"You won't be training with each other for a while," he tells them.

"Is something wrong?" Kira asks.

Aizawa shakes his head slightly. "No. Something's come up." Kira opens her mouth to question, but her teacher speaks up again. "That'll be all for tonight. Time to turn in."

Just like that, their training session comes to an abrupt end. Shinso doesn't speak again that night and Kira wonders if she hurt him during their sparring. She keeps her gaze on the ground at her feet as they escort her to her dormitory, like usual. She waves her goodbyes on the veranda, as Aizawa leads Shinso down the path towards the General Studies dormitories.

Kira's hand slowly lowers and her eyes fall to the spot where Bakugou all but practically cornered her in order to retrieve his All Might card from her. She had every intention to give it back, of course she did. In a way, he knew that, or he would have tried to snatch it back from her with force. He could have easily overpowered her, but... he didn't touch her.

Kira allows a slight scoff to leave her lips as she turns in for the night. She always returns late, so the ground floor is dark and vacant and everyone's most likely fast asleep by now. Kira only ponders on Aizawa's words as she takes the lift up to her floor.

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