2.17 (End)

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The van drove all the way out of the city. Seeing the bright lights of the city being left behind, Gao Chao felt that the situation was not good.

"Brother Tong," Gao Chao said nervously, "When we get to the next world, can we still watch the last episode of the TV series?"

System: "...Is this all you care about?"

Gao Chao: "And I've only watched two episodes of the cartoon..."

System: "The strategy value is not full yet. If you die like this, you will lose me. Then you will get a new system. He will not be as handsome as me and show you some TV series and cartoons."

Gao Chao: "Show me a movie?"

System: "Do you believe I'm going to show you a duo now?"

Gao Chao decided to do the task well and find a way to survive. He looked at the other people in the car and approached one of them, a man who seemed to be kind-hearted: "Brother, where are we going?"

The elder brother frowned and looked at him: "You'll know when we get there."

Gao Chao thought for a while: "Can I give you a cigarette?"

The eldest brother looked unhappy: "No, quit."

Gao Chao approached him and asked sincerely: "Can you tell me how to quit smoking? I have always wanted to quit smoking, but I have never succeeded."

The eldest brother said in frustration: "Do you think I want to quit? My wife and daughter teamed up to force me to quit smoking. If I smoke, they won't let me in."

Gao Chao looked sympathetic: "I'm sorry for you. How old is your daughter this year?"

When the elder brother mentioned his daughter, his expression became slightly more relaxed: "She's fourteen."

Gao Chao nodded: "If you are fourteen, you should be in junior high school. How are your grades?"

The eldest brother slapped his thigh: "Don't mention it, I have been chasing stars all day long, and every time I take the test, I am at the bottom of the class."

Gao Chao: "Star chasing? Does she like to watch the TV series I act in? Does she want an autograph?"

When my daughter reaches the rebellious stage, she always gets angry and has cold wars with her father. The eldest brother really doesn't know how to ease the relationship. After hearing what he said, I realized that I was right to follow him. I quickly touched my body, found a piece of paper, and looked around: "Which of you has a pen..."

The people around listened silently and cast kind eyes on the two lunatics. The eldest brother then realized something was wrong, glared at Gao Chao and continued to pretend to be evil.

The atmosphere in the car became dangerous and dull again. Gao Chao was helpless and didn't have a chance to say another word until he got out of the car. Nearly an hour later, the van stopped at the freight terminal. After the door opened, several people pushed Gao Chao out.

The pier was quiet and deserted late at night, and a bright headlight hung in the air, dazzling like a white moon but illuminating nothing clearly. There were layers of containers stacked at the pier, separated by dark and narrow aisles. As Gao Chao walked by, he could clearly feel the danger lurking inside.

He was a little flattered that many people were ambushing him at this dock.

Gao Chao: "I feel like a big shot."

The system was very straightforward: "It must be for Zhai Yudong."

Gao Chao sighed: "Oh, that's right. Apart from my beauty, I have nothing."

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