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Gao Chao spent a biology class looking back on his past life. At that time, he was self-isolated and immersed in a depression that could not be relieved all day long. He never paid attention to the people around him. Perhaps Wang Heyong had also crossed paths with him some time ago. He passed by him, but he didn't know this person.

And Xiang Yekuo does exist in his memory. There is not much about this person, just a few fragments, which are still vague. It is said that Xiang Yekuo failed a grade before, and after entering high school, his academic performance was the first in the class - the last.

His eyes were always dark, and no one could tell what he was thinking about all day long. It can be seen from the clothes he wears that his family background is not very good. The back of a pair of knock-off sneakers is worn out, and his schoolbag is dirty. Overall, he looks dejected, as if he owes him a million dollars. It seemed like running away made him bankrupt.

Just like Gao Chao before, he was an out-of-place and disliked alternative. At that time, the two of them seemed to be competing for the first and second place in a competition. Gao Chao lost to Xiang Yekuo because his family was in good condition and he dressed neatly every day. Finished second.

Later, Xiang Yekuo dropped out of school and was never heard from again. Perhaps it was the common inability to integrate into the group that gave Gao Chao some impression of Xiang Yekuo, but he didn't understand the rest at all.

When get out of class was about to end, Li Mengqiao poked Gao Chao on the shoulder and asked him whether he would eat in the cafeteria or eat outside the school for lunch.

Gao Chao thought for a while and said to go to the cafeteria. He wanted to say a few words to Xiang Yekuo.

Li Mengqiao nodded understandingly: "Okay, if you want to scold him, I'll help you."

Gao Chao raised his biology book to cover his face: "I didn't want to scold him."

Li Mengqiao: "Hit him? It's not a good idea to do it in the cafeteria. The teacher will know."

Gao Chao admired Xiao Li's brain circuit very much. Could it be that he was such a violent person in the eyes of his good gay friends: "When you went out today, you forgot to bring your brain with you again."

Li Mengqiao: "You forgot to bring milk."

Gao Chao shyly covered his chest: "You know how annoying it is to stare at other people's breasts."

Xiao Li had a dark look on his face: "...I'd better eat outside the school."

Although Xiang Yekuo once turned a blind eye to Xiao Chao Chao who was in danger, Gao Chao could also understand. After all, there were three people who killed the horse at that time, and they were older than them. No matter how tall Da Xiang was at that time, he was only a junior high school student. It's normal to feel scared. Besides, it's been so long, Gao Chao is no longer angry.

And since the teacher has assigned tasks, let's build a good relationship first. When Gao Chao went to the cafeteria to eat at noon, he deliberately found Xiang Yekuo sitting alone in the corner.

He walked over and put the dinner plate on the table and said kindly: "Let's eat together."

Xiang Yekuo raised his eyelids, looked at Gao Chao with his gloomy eyes, threw away the spoon as if disgusted, stood up and left.

Gao Chao turned around and grabbed a classmate: "Am I that ugly?"

Classmate: "You are good-looking, you are so good-looking, can you please stop pinching my neck?"

Gao Chao swallowed this sigh of relief, and then went to Da Xiang during a certain class break and said that we should study together and make progress together.

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