Chapter 141 - Obtaining Her Provisional Hero License... Finally

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Outside was a blur, a mess of colours and feelings, but inside... Kira's never felt clearer. She knew what she had to do now, even if it was a difficult goal. She had a lifetime of mistakes to make up for and it finally feels like she's doing something with her power. All it took was the first step in simply accepting it.

But, today, Kira had to set her mind on something else. Forget about her Quirks, forget about Bakugou, forget about her training and ensure that she didn't fail at this. Kira wasn't even certain what today entailed: would it be one final physical task? A written assessment? She hoped it was something simple. After all, what else was there to test them on? Kira exhaled heavily, her breath leaving a faint mark on the window, before slowly fading away, just as the car pulled up to their destination.

Bakugou hopped out first, followed by Todoroki and Kira clambered out her own side. They each grabbed their cases from the back while All Might paid for the ride. Kira looked down at the case in her hands - she hoped she didn't have to get changed today.

The taxi sped off and All Might joined the students as they trudged up the steps to the main building. It felt like a stormy cloud floated above their heads as they made their way inside, teasing them with a chance of negativity. Kira looked back as her classmates entered, her hand on the door, holding it open. A quick gust of wind tangled her hair and threatened to snatch her scarf away - the clouds above were dark and menacing and the ground below had a frosted shine to it. It looked like it might snow soon.

Like clockwork, Class 1A were greeted by the Shiketsu students, just as loud and obnoxious as they've always been. Bakugou yelled some crude obscenities at them, while Todoroki simply nodded or shook his head. Kira kept quiet and did nothing. Her anxieties ate away at her. She couldn't even pay attention to the words being thrown around as a dull hum decided to echo in her skull, clouding her rationality and serenity. It was suffocating. A lot of pressure came from this exam, as acing it was the first step to becoming a hero.

Her worries were short-lived.

The final task was, in-fact, a simple written exam. Kira felt like she could breathe again when the examiners explained what it would include. Their hero outfits were not needed today. Kira completed the written exam with vigorous passion, though the hours were long and uncomfortable. Her classmates scribbled down their answers with similar exertion, determined to complete the written test with success. Kira didn't doubt them one bit.

By the time the written exam was drawn to a halt, it was late and the small rectangular windows that dotted around the hall only allowed the dark, evening lighting to filter inside. It barely illuminated the space, as the exam papers were gathered to the front desk. However, it didn't even seem as though these papers held any slither of importance as the head examiner set the stack of sheets aside and scowled amongst the students.

Is this part of the exam? Kira looked up at the windows around the hall again, noting the lateness of their surroundings. Her body ached from the uncomfortable chairs, her hand and fingers stiff from the excessive writing. Kira slowly looked to her classmates, one calm and poised on her left, the other... Bakugou was gripping the small desk, his knuckles turning white from the action. He was glaring at the examiner's table and looked like he was about to leap out of his seat. Seems like he's caught onto the hidden test too.

The examiners eyed the students as somebody fidgeted in their seat a few rows in front of Kira, whereas another yawned and someone else stretched. They were simply waiting for someone to object, to argue, to lash out. In doing so, it would probably result in a fail. The last physical they did tested their patience with a bunch of rowdy, misbehaved children. Bakugou learnt that not every task required his explosive power to fix the situation and Kira only hoped he kept that knowledge locked inside. This test judged their patience again, but in a slightly different situation.

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