Chapter 138 - Akira Kiriya's Limits

Start from the beginning

Kira notices the makeshift prison, where they have to try and capture the opposing team and trap them inside. Their team did try to formulate some kind of plan while the other team's fought, but per usual, Bakugou didn't want anything to do with them.

"Okay, listen up, you idiots," Bakugou unexpectedly speaks up, his hands on his hips as he turns to face his classmates. "Just follow me when this starts."

"That isn't what I'd call teamwork," Sero mumbles, his hand on the back of his neck as he examines the structure around them.

"I'll take the lead and head towards the fight," Bakugou adds, ignoring Sero's comment. "You three better support me." He then points at each of them. "Especially you!" He points directly at Kira. "I know all about your stupid Quirk, so you had better keep an eye on the enemy at all times."

"I'll give it my best shot, but I'm not exactly a scout-type Quirk user," Kira answers.

Sero steps forward, wanting to know more about Bakugou's plan. "Are you going to charge them? 'Cause... the other team look really good at counter attacks. If Kiriya is able to locate them" - he gestures to her slightly - "then we should just hang back. Play it safe and wait for an opening."

"Idiot," Bakugou says harshly. "That's exactly what they're expecting us to do."

"Is it?" This time, Kira steps closer. "No one knows about this skill of mine. They're probably thinking we're going into this fight blind."

"We're not waiting for the right moment," Bakugou argues. "We're making our own opening. If we get eyes on them, we've won. Got it?" He then tosses the three of them one of his grenades each. "Take those just in case. They don't pack much of a punch, but they can be useful. One more thing..." He looks away, pondering on what else to add it seems. When he looks back, his eyes burn into Kira's and they don't waver, not even to glance at Sero, or Sato. "Whenever you guys are in danger, I'll protect you." Bakugou pauses, before finally looking at Sero and Sato either side of her. "And when I'm in danger, you guys had better save me!"

Kira isn't given the chance to respond to that, before the timer starts with a loud shrill noise and Bakugou doesn't hesitate. All she can do is shake her head and keep her conflicting thoughts to herself. Hopefully, her rambling ideas won't cause her to become too distracted during this fight. Bakugou will never forgive her if she screws this all up. Kira, Sero and Sato chase after Bakugou as he soars onwards with his Quirk, uncaring of the noise he makes.

"Are you looking for them, or not?" Bakugou yells over his Quirk, looking back at Kira.

Kira nods and closes her eyes. Sero sticks right by her side, guiding her in her blinded state. Kira concentrates, like she was during the previous fight, her eyelids burning and her head pounding. This unusual skill definitely has some scary side effects, Kira can already tell by how painful it becomes to use it. But, she refuses to let a little bit of anguish deter her.

"Jump!" Sero tells her and she feels his arm on her elbow.

She does, sliding across a metal pipe blocking her way. Her eyes start to sting, but that's a sign that her Quirk is doing its job and shapes start to appear, fading into view. But... they're not clear. Well, they never have been, not really. But, this is different. Usually, her Quirk shows hazy shapes, either glowing red or orange, moving as if they're under water. Something's wrong. She needs more time to focus, to understand what she's even looking at.

"Well?" Bakugou's voice again. "What's taking so long? Are you even trying?"

Kira opens her eyes slowly, the natural light causing a bit of strain on her vision and she looks up at Bakugou, using her arm to shield her eyes from the meek sun. He's glaring down at her as he flies, his explosions rattling the pipes around him. Kira frowns up at him - he looks desperate, in a way. Why? To prove himself? To be the best? To win?

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