Chapter 127 - The Worst Mistake She Ever Made

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"I don't really know much about popular music," Ojiro admits sheepishly. "So, I'll leave that up to you guys."

"Same," Shoji agrees.

Kaminari steps forward to voice an opinion. "If we're doing this for everyone, shouldn't it be a song that most people know so they could dance and sing along with us?"

"It's gotta be something with a good beat!" Sero exclaims and a few others join in with that notion.

"With those things in mind," Kyoka says thoughtfully. "I think I know what would make sense: a hardcore four-on-the-floor club song," she goes on to explain. "It'll be like a rave-meets-rock show." She then looks up to the very confused students. "As for dance music, EDM would probably be the most popular."

There's a chorus of uncertain muttering amongst the students - Kira definitely didn't catch a word her friend said.

"But, you guys want to play instruments, right?" She continues. "Anyone play bass or drums or anything?" There's an awkward silence amongst the students. "Okay," Kyoka says slowly. "Well, I'd say that drums are the backbone of any band. I'd take on the responsibility myself, but honestly, I main the guitar, not percussion. Teaching a beginner to play an instrument while practicing myself would be impossible to do with the time we have left."

Kira ponders thoughtfully, wondering if she should jump on the chance. She's a pretty fast learner, but she doesn't wish to put the added strain on Kyoka if she can help it. Kira's always wanted to learn at least one instrument when she was younger, but her mother forbid it. Light Bringer claimed that it was an 'unnecessary hobby' and that her training was all that she had the time for. Kira remembers begging her father to teach and he said he would... one day...

"Hey!" Kaminari speaks up suddenly. "Didn't you accidentally admit your parents made you take music lessons when you were a kid?"

Kira follows her eccentric classmate's gaze to Katsuki Bakugou.

"What!? Really?" Everyone jumps on the chance to persuade Bakugou to play for them.

"Awesome!" Sero calls out, holding up a drumstick. Where he pulled it from, Kira has no idea. "Take a seat and show us what you got."

"In your dreams, moron," Bakugou mutters with that standard bitter tone of his, as he turns away from the students.

"Right, I bet the drums are too hard for ya," Sero teases, holding out the drumsticks with a smug look on his face.

Bakugou hesitates mid-step. No matter what it is, he just can't dismiss a challenge to his skillset. He snatches the sticks from Sero, swiping them from his outstretched hand and storms over to the drum set in the corner of the room. Seems like Kyoka's been prepared and brought it out of her room ahead of schedule. Bakugou grumbles an incoherent tone of nasty words before perching down behind the drums and immediately bashes a quick beat on the instrument. He spins the sticks in his hands and, with ease, creates a tune created from his mind to prove his talent.

The class are gobsmacked, Kira included, as she stares at Bakugou, her jaw dropped at his dismissive attitude at having a hidden talent.

"Well?" Bakugou grumbles.

"That was killer!" Kyoka squeals, her hands on the verge of gripping her face.

"That's it!" Kaminari gawks, waving his arms like a lunatic. "Bakugou's gotta be our drummer!"

Bakugou scoffs at that comment, standing up from the drum set with his hands in his pockets. "No way am I making a fool of myself up on that stage."

Kyoka rushes after Bakugou as he starts to leave the living room. "Bakugou, come on! Do it!" She pleads. "If we rock this, everyone will have a great time."

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