Chapter 124 - The Light He Showed Her

Start from the beginning

Kira found it hard to leave the room, no matter how dull it was, how uncomfortable. Some part of her still wanted to stay behind, because it just felt better here, to spend her life at this quiet campfire, away from her troubles back home. But, she knew she had to face it. She knew she had to say goodbye to this place and eventually... her father. Kira found herself looking down at her hand, frowning at her skin, knowing that she probably won't be able to evolve her healing Quirk the way she wants to. It won't be enough to save her father. After all, hasn't he tried to fix his broken body most of his life?

Kira sighed heavily, clenched her hand into a tight fist and brazenly stormed out of her bedroom, not even looking over at Bakugou's room beside her and made her way to the ground floor. Kyoka was already there, despite it being early. She was gripping her bag over her shoulder, her gaze glued to the ground with a pensive look in her eyes.

"You're up?" Kira wonders, startling her friend slightly.

"Yeah," Kyoka nods quickly, her throat slightly hoarse, before she clears it. "Couldn't really sleep."

Kira returns her nod sadly. "Hard to let this place go, right?" She replies. "Knowing we have to return to a more... difficult life?"

"Hey, we can't slack off forever." Kyoka whacks Kira on the arm jokingly, trying and failing to lighten the mood.

"You two are already awake?" Kirishima peers over the banister at Kira and Kyoka. "I thought me and Kaminari were the only ones up at this time."

"I think Bakugou is up too," Kira tells them before she can stop herself. "I-I heard him in his room. Thin walls..."

Kirishima and Kaminari share an uncertain glance with each other, before joining Kira and Kyoka on the ground floor.

"In that case, I'm sure he'll be out in just a second," Kaminari adds, staring up at the banister by Bakugou's door.

Everyone follows Kaminari's eyes up to Bakugou's door, as if willing him to leave, except Kira. She keeps her eyes squeezed tight, her head down, her hair shielding her expression from her classmates. She didn't want to leave when everything just felt so right. Such a twisted mind.

Kira hears Bakugou's door open, then his footsteps and she slowly opens her eyes, looks up and turns her head. He's glaring down at the four of them, practically looking down his nose at them and a slither of Kira's heart peels away at the look in his eyes, written across his features. Now that her own emotions and thoughts have been revealed to the light, she's noticing his that much more and it burns. Knowing that to him, she's simply nothing.

"What are you idiots standing around for?" He says, his tone harsh. He sounds tired as he makes his way down the crooked cabin stairs to them. He doesn't even offer Kira a single glance as he barges past them. "The sooner we get out of this shithole, the better."

Kaminari is the first to chase after him. "Hey, we were the ones waiting for you, Bakugou!" He bellows, having to rush to keep up with Bakugou's firm stride.

Kirishima follows after, joining Bakugou on his right side, with Kaminari on the left. Kyoka gently places her hand on Kira's shoulder - she never misses a beat - before joining them. It's like Bakugou had forgotten these past few days, as if it literally meant nothing. He probably assumes that anything he may have felt can simply be left behind here, but to Kira, she's keeping these memories a little closer to home. She's desperately battling her willpower to remain here in this desolate reality, whereas Bakugou can't wait to be rid of it. She wants to hold on and he wants to let go.

Kira looks back at the chests scattered around, once rummaged through and now been discarded, wondering if they'll start to collect dust here, or if something else will inhabit this space. She pushes away her fragile thoughts to a dark corner of her mind and jogs to catch up to the others, the good luck charm hanging by the cabin door catching her eye before she spots her other classmates all leaving their own cabins. They're within yelling distance, but Kira will have to strain herself to hear a clear word. She notices the girls waving from their cabin on one side of the lake and Kira offers a half-hearted gesture in return.

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