Chapter 94 - The Boy Who Can Freeze Time

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"Kiriya?" A voice from the living room and she makes her way back there, deciding to bring the note with her.

"Hey, I know where everyone is." Kira walks back to the now blaring TV, waving the note in the air. "Don't worry about anything, they're all..."

Akira trails off slowly when she finally allows herself to hear the reporter speaking into the camera, a reckless scene behind her.

On either side of her Bakugou and Todoroki stand, eyeing the TV, Bakugou's hands gripping the remote and Todoroki staring with an expression filled with remorse.

"Just hours ago, this shocking fight commenced between our pro heroes and the notorious crime mob known as the Shie Hassaikai," the reporter was saying, while they show clips of the battle taken from amateur phone recordings. "Surprisingly, there have been no civilian fatalities and we only have our young rising heroes to thank for that. However, there have been many casualties among our heroes, who have now already been rushed to the hospital for the best medical care possible. I'll keep you updated. For now, more scenes of our chilling heroes."

Akira's hand slowly lowers as the TV displays what appears to be Midoriya, soaring high in the air against a monstrous being, with a small girl clutched onto his back. The clip quickly changes to the aftermath of the fight, many pros hurt, destruction everywhere. It was just supposed to be a simple siege. The Shie Hassaikai weren't supposed to know about any of this and be prepared for the pros to ambush them.

The note slips through her fingers, slowly drifting to the floor with each sway when the footage pans to a gurney, with a person she's come to know painfully well, bloodied and beaten, barely recognisable. Her heart freezes. Her lungs retract. Her eyes widen.

Kirishima's being carried into an ambulance, covered in wounds and his arms... His arms are broken.

"Kiri..." The sound escapes her.

All adrenaline surges through her then. Without even putting her shoes back on, Kira charges for the door, ignoring Bakugou and Todoroki calling out for her as she darts out the double doors of the dorms.

She's not even sure which hospital he would be taken to - whichever is closest to the scene, she could only assume. Kira ran and ran, her bare feet slapping against concrete, starting to sting with every step. The cold October evening air swept her hair clear from her face, allowing her to see the open road infront of her. From the top of the hill where UA lives, Kira could spot the far distant smoke from the previous battle hours ago. White smoke billowing into the air, blocking the low, setting sun from view, signalling that any fires are no longer burning.

Kira shook her head, ridding her mind of the thoughts. Kirishima. Eijiro. His arms. His face. He looked completely defeated. The vision of him on the gurney swam through her thoughts, causing her legs to pump harder, her heart to beat faster. She wished more than anything to be there with him through thick and thin.

If only she had her provisional license, then she could blast herself there with her Quirk and be back with him in no time. No, if she had her license, then she would be by his side, protecting him. Protecting each other.

Kira stepped on a jagged stone, or a piece of glass, Kira didn't know, nor did she care. It sent her reeling, causing her to miss her footing completely and crash to the ground, shredding the skin off her forearms as they protected her fall.

She cursed loudly, again and again, wiping her legs clean of the gravel that clung to her flesh on her knees. She heaved suddenly, panicked tears springing to her eyes. Kira panted repeatedly, as if she's forgotten how to breathe and she planted her face in-between her knees, staring at the grey ground beneath her. She swung her arms over her head, hiding herself from the world.

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