Chapter 59 - The Initial Phase (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

"So, she can only change her appearance?" Kira asks.

Midoriya frowns slightly, his fingers gripping his chin in thought. "Not only that. It appears she has a great talent in stealth. Or perhaps that's also part of her Quirk. I found it really difficult to locate her when we were fighting earlier."

"Locate? Wh- what the hell are you talking about, Midoriya?" Sero stammers.

"I couldn't explain it to you if I tried," he replies.

"It's true," Kira interjects. "I- Well, I also fought with her for a bit and her skills are... they're intense. We just have to be careful."

"We can't underestimate the other schools," Ochaco says finally.

Sero nods to that, placing his palm on the dirt to lean over in the huddle. "Right. They've probably learnt so much about us. I mean, they even know that you and Uraraka are really good friends."

"That's probably because we were on the same cavalry battle team at the Sports Festival," Midoriya says.

"Maybe," Kira mumbles. "Anyway, how'd you two find us?" - she nods to Midoriya - "it was perfect timing."

"Well, I just saw a fight and rushed over to help," Sero tells them. "We bumped into each other along the way."

Ochaco nods quickly. "I'm glad." She then turns her head, scanning her surroundings. "So, it's just the four of us. What now?"

"I wish we could meet up with the rest of our class," Sero adds. "We're way safer in numbers."

"But thirty people have already passed this test," Kira says, her brows creasing in worry. "We have to hurry."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Sero wonders. "Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu are out there, just waiting for us."

"We can't split up!" Ochaco blurts, before anyone gets the wrong idea.

"We won't. We need to stick together," Kira sighs. "I don't know about you, but being alone out here, is actually pretty terrifying." Ochaco and Sero nod in agreement. "After all, these guys from Ketsubutsu are second year's - they've had more experience than us."

"Have they?" Midoriya says sharply.

He doesn't trust her. She can see it in his eyes, in the way he talks. This isn't because of their previous experience with that odd girl from Shiketsu. This is an entirely different situation. Based on Ochaco and Sero's baffled expressions at Midoriya's distrustful nature, she's correct.

Based on what Midoriya saw that day, she can't blame him.

"I don't know about them," Midoriya adds, his eyes trained on Kira. "But, class A have already defeated villains again and again. If anything, we've got more experience when it comes to real-life battles."

Kira exchanges an uncertain glance with Ochaco and Sero before ushering Midoriya aside. He sends a look to his classmates before accompanying Kira away and around a rock.

Kira peeks at her surroundings to make sure they're in the clear before she faces Deku, his eyes still watching her.

"We don't have a lot of time, so I'm gonna keep this brief," she tells him, her hands out in front of her to prove her eagerness. "Because I can't really take it with you looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Midoriya asks dismissively.

"Like I'm the enemy," she replies, lowering her hands. "I told you already, I'm not. You're my friends. My family. And I would never betray that." She pauses. "Not intentionally."

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