Chapter 20 - Final Exam Results

Start from the beginning

Just like that, he zooms out the door, blasting wind into the room and leaving Kira utterly confused. She doesn't even know what she was thinking about - just that she had to calm down. She remembers not wanting to harm her classmates and that's about it. When it comes to terms of triggering it, Kira's still in the dark about that. At the Sports Festival, she merely overheated - a lot of heroes have to deal with that weakness. But, during her battle, she was down for the count, sitting on the sidelines, practically accepting defeat, when she heard Bakugou. She looked up to see his crumpled body underneath All Might and something in her snapped. If that were a real villain situation, Bakugou could have died. Kira wouldn't let that happen - not to anyone.

Kira sighs, turning back to the two unconscious boys, gripping Bakugou's bed bar. So not only does she have to worry about over heating, but she has to take her emotions into account. In conclusion, if she gets too upset, afraid or angry, her Atomic power may get the best of her again, and she could promptly end up killing her classmates.

Even with Recovery Girl's powers, the burns on Bakugou's side looks painful, the skin red and ever so slightly blistered. If it weren't for the school's own medical hero, Bakugou would be a lot worse off. As for Midoriya, his hand has been bandaged from where she grabbed him, but the worse damage for him is actually his back, where All Might slammed into him to prevent his escape. It was a ruthless attack.

Midoriya groans suddenly, stirring with his face down on the pillow.

"Midoriya?" Kira whispers, kneeling beside his bed. "How are you?"

He moans in reply, his voice slightly muffled by his pillow.

"Don't try to move," Recovery Girl says, shuffling around to Midoriya's side. "Your back has suffered a lot of damage. It was nearly impossible for me to fix."

"I'm sorry about your hand," Kira decides to say, as Recovery Girl puckers her lips and kisses him on the head.

Midoriya drags his bandaged hand up for him to see. "You're apologising again," he states plainly. "We would've lost without you."

Kira scoffs slightly. "I don't know about that." She straightens as Midoriya slowly but surely sits himself up, courtesy of Recovery Girl's Quirk already taking effect. "I've seen how you are during this school year so far. You would have found a way to beat All Might."

Midoriya spots Bakugou beside him, who still hasn't shown any signs of waking. "Kacchan?" He mutters.

"Don't worry about him," Recovery Girl waves her hand at the boy. "He'll be fine in a few hours."

"Your Quirk," Kira says after a small silence. "Tsu once said it's similar to All Might's in a lot of ways, except he doesn't hurt himself." She fiddles with the bottom of her shirt. "What did you learn during your internship? What's stopping you from hurting yourself now?"

Midoriya blinks up at her. "Gran Torino taught me to only use my Quirk at a certain level." He brings both of his hands up and clenches them into fists. "So for now, I'm only producing about five percent of my power."

"Five percent?" She raises her eyebrows. "If what you can do now is only five percent, you must be pretty powerful."

"Well," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm nowhere near as powerful as I need to be. You saw how easily All Might beat me."

"He bested all of us, Midoriya," she replies softly. "We all need to improve."


Recovery Girl insisted that Kira leaves so that Midoriya and Bakugou can heal as quickly as possible. Kira walked up the hill to UA the next day, feeling oddly stiff. Her neck had a cramp and her legs were heavy. She shrugged as she entered the grounds - she did just get beat up by All Might, so she's going to be a little sore.

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