Chapter 7 - The Vicious Artificial Nomu

Start from the beginning

"Die!!" He roars, leaping toward the villain and exploding it on impact.

He then proceeds to flip backwards away from the villain, landing in a crouch. Bakugou's grin falters, as they appear untouched.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna beat me," they grin, their conjoined faces stretching their lips across their entire face.

"Oh, man," Kirishima gulps.

If someone like Bakugou with his extremely powerful Quirk can't stop this villain then-

"We're in trouble," Kira says, taking a step back.


Seven Years Ago

"Him?" Kira gawked, her jaw dropping.

"That's right." She nodded. "He may not have been the biggest, but he was definitely - what did you call it? - the baddest."

Light Bringer glanced down at Akira's expression. Deep in thought for an eight-year-old.

"It's all about weakness," Light Bringer explained, stopping to crouch in front of her daughter. "That villain was difficult to defeat because their weakness was difficult to expose. Expose their weakness."


Present Day

"Expose their weakness," Kira mutters.

"You morons plan on helping out at all?" Bakugou shouts, glancing back before narrowly avoiding a large fist.

"Bakugou... asking for help?" Kirishima says wide-eyed, definitely in shock.

Kira watches Bakugou fight, analysing anything she can about the villain. They're large, so that means that they may have less stamina than three kids hopped up on adrenaline. Kira then glances around the room - the villain appears to be alone. That means that the three of them can focus all of their attention on just this one villain and attack quickly to wear them out. 

Bakugou flips over the villain, aiming a blast from above. Kira tilts her head at the sight - the conjoined persona appears to be two separate entities. With two different brains? How are they even alive right now?

"I know that look." Kirishima smiles slowly. "You've got a plan."

"Glad to hear you know me so well."

"Well, I'm ready when you are, Kiriya." He grins, hardening his entire body.

Kira explains her idea to Kirishima and they face the villain. She just hopes that Bakugou will be able to understand and follow through. From what she's learnt over the past few days is that Bakugou is smart and surprisingly rational when he needs to be. She's sure he'll catch on.

"Hey, ugly!" Kirishima bellows and Bakugou slides away from the villain, staring at his classmates.

"Over here," Kira teases, taunting the villain with two fingers.

The villain grins menacingly, cracking their knuckles. Kira flashes Bakugou a quick look before she attacks, praying that he'll work with them - this is probably the only chance they'll have.

First, Kira flashes the villain with the same skill she used earlier, blinding them temporarily - just hopefully long enough. She then aims green twin beams up at the ceiling, causing it to collapse on top of the villain, just like she did to Tokoyami during their battle lesson. It's a risk - the whole building could fall. The falling debris creates a dust cloud, concealing everyone from sight. Now, she's relying on her classmates through blind trust. She hears the villain curse in frustration, their voice strangled.

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