Chapter 1 - The Story Has To Start Somewhere

Start from the beginning

"Late! Late?" Light Bringer shrieked, her hand glowing by her side. "Is that supposed to make me feel any better?"

"Stop!" Kira heard her own voice, as an explosion of light pierced her retinas.

It took a few seconds for her vision to clear, seeing spots before her. When she came to, she noticed her mother, Light Bringer shielding her father with a barrier of pure white energy. The furniture had been cast aside and the walls sheared.

"Finally," Light Bringer whispers.


Present Day

Kira stares at her own hand, still amazed that her Quirk finally blossomed. At the age of four everyone in her class had gained their Quirk, but she didn't get hers until the day before her fifth birthday. It was a miracle... according to her mother.

Kira had inherited everything her mother had: the power to create light. Her Quirk gave her the ability to shoot light from her palms. At her most powerful, the light becomes white-hot, severely burning anything nearby. When it's less concentrated, it becomes more of a dull green and is colder to the touch.

"You ready to go beyond? Let me hear a Plus Ultra!" Once again, there's silence. "Good luck!"

Kira stares down at her card, her hand trembling ever so slightly. She breathes deeply, cursing herself for not paying attention to Present Mic's instructions. Looking at the sheet however, the directions are pretty clear to understand. Defeat as many robots as possible within the time limit, and avoid the zero pointer. Now, she just has to join the others who are also in Battle Zone A.

And so, everyone stands up with a great commotion of bubbling anxiety and determination, following the signs to their designated changing rooms.

"I couldn't help but notice we're in the same zone."

Kira looks down at the hand on her shoulder before turning to meet the black-haired boy she was sat next to. Judging by his demeanour, he seems warm and enthusiastic.

"You're in Zone A too?" She says, introducing herself with a kind smile.

"That's right!" He nods. "Name's Eijiro Kirishima!"

"Akira Kiriya."

They walk side by side until they have to part ways in the changing rooms. She pushes open the door and shrugs off her bag. It's good that she might have made a friend already. Hopefully, he'll pass too and they'll be in the same class together.

Kira digs through her bag for her more practical gear, quickly getting changed so she doesn't fall behind, before shoving her other clothes into her bag and then into one of the lockers. She then joins the other girls, who are already bickering with excitement and follow them out into the courtyard, where they're all greeted with a ginormous set of double doors. Beyond that, numerous skyscrapers loom over the wall surrounding the mock battle area, as if taunting them all inside.

"All I can say is good luck," Kirishima beams, approaching Kira on her right side.

"Same to you," she murmurs in reply.

Through the crowd of eager students, Kira spots Bakugou at the front right by the doors, looking especially determined.

"He looks terrifying." Kirishima points out, noticing Kira staring at the blonde.

"I guess he wants to prove to everyone that the incident with the sludge monster wasn't a weak moment for him," Kira says, tilting her head in deep thought.

"Maybe," Kirishima says quietly. "I'm still gonna steer clear of him."

Present Mic's voice suddenly appears, echoing around them. "Are you ready? Battle waits for no one! Begin!"

Stuck With You | Katsuki Bakugou x OC [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now