Female (F) vs Male (M) dictionary

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“Nothing, forget it.”

F: You better figure out what you did wrong.

M: Just quit talking about it.

“Are you tired?”

F: Please don't go to sleep. I love talking to you.

M: Genuinely curious as to whether or not you are sleepy.

“I'm okay.”

F: Hold me tight. I need a shoulder to cry on.

M: There's seriously nothing wrong with me.

“I'm cold.”

F: Get a blanket and cuddle with me.

M: I'm pretty cold. I should probably get a blanket or something like that.

“Leave me alone.”

F: Please don't go.

M: Get out of my face.

“I love you.”

F: Tell me you do more.

M: I love you. Just that. I don't expect a stupid response.

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