Fangirl Defitions

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Boyfriend: (Noun)

Something you'll never have because band members have set your standards way too high.


Fangirling: (Verb)

1. When shortness of breath, fainting, high-pitched noises, shaking, fierce head shaking, hyperventilation, endless blogposts, sleeping late at night, etc. occurs as a reaction to the sight of the object of affection and/or obsession.

2. Can be considered as an occupation or a hobby of thousands of girls worldwide but with no salary or anything in return except pure happiness.

3. The basic cause of high electricity bills, nonstop merchandise buying, the reason of poverty and sleepless nights among girls these days.

See also spazzing.


Book hangover: (noun)

1. The inability to start a new book because you are still living in the last books' world.

2. The inability to function at work/school because you were up all night binge-reading.

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